From the Booker Prize-winning author of "The White Tiger," a stunning novel of greed and murder in contemporary Mumbai.
At the heart of this novel are two equally compelling men, poised for a showdown. Real estate developer Dharmen Shah rose from nothing to create an empire and hopes to seal his[...]
No saris. No scents. No spices. No music. No lyricism. No illusions.
This is India now.
Balram Halwai is a complicated man. Servant. Philosopher. Entrepreneur. Murderer. Over the course of seven nights, by the scattered light of a preposterous chandelier, Balram tells us the terrible and t[...]
Meet Balram Halwal, the 'White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur, murderer. Over the course of seven nights, by the scattered light of a preposterous chandelier, Balram tells his story...Born in a village in the dark heart of India, the son of a rickshaw puller, Balram is taken out of schoo[...]
The white tiger of this novel is Balram Halwai, a poor Indian villager whose great ambition leads him to the zenith of Indian business culture, the world of the Bangalore entrepreneur. On the occasion of the president of China s impending trip to Bangalore, Balram writes a letter to him describing h[...]
Balram Halwai is the White Tiger - the smartest boy in his village. His family is too poor for him to afford for him to finish school and he has to work in a teashop, breaking coals and wiping tables. But Balram gets his break when a rich man hires him as a chauffeur, and takes him to live in Delhi.[...]
Welcome to Kittur, India. Of its 193,432 residents, only 89 declare themselves to be without religion or caste. And if the characters in "Between the Assassinations" are any indication, Kittur is an extraordinary crossroads between the brightest minds and the poorest morals, the up-and-coming and th[...]
Balram Halwai is the White Tiger - the smartest boy in his village. His family is too poor for him to afford for him to finish school and he has to work in a teashop, breaking coals and wiping tables. But Balram gets his break when a rich man hires him as a chauffeur, and takes him to live in Delhi.[...]
From a middle-aged Communist to an Islamic terrorist; from the young children of a Tamil building-site worker to a privileged and alienated schoolboy; from an idealistic journalist to a Brahmin housemaid, this title presents a microcosm of Indian life in the 80s, the years between the assassinations[...]
The magnificent new novel from the million-selling Booker Prize-winning author of The White Tiger: one of the most eagerly anticipated literary novels of 2011, 'a kaleidoscopic portrait of a changing Mumbai' Guardian Best Books of 2011[...]
This is the magnificent new novel from the million-selling Booker Prize-winner: one of the most eagerly anticipated literary novels of 2011. Every building tells a story: but in the jungle of Mumbai, one building - and one man - stands on the borderline between India's past, and its future...This ti[...]
Meet Balram Halwai, the 'White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur, murderer. Balram was born in a backwater village on the River Ganges, the son of a rickshaw-puller. He works in a teashop, crushing coal and wiping tables, but nurses a dream of escape. When he learns that a rich village land[...]
Nestling on India's southern coast lies the town of Kittur. Ranging through the city's streets and schoolyards, bedrooms and businesses, its inner workings and its outer limits, through the myriad and distinctive voices of its inhabitants, Aravind Adiga brings an entire world vividly and unforgettab[...]
Vinner av Bookerprisen 2008Balram Halwai er en sammensatt mann. Og i løpet av sju netter, i skinnet fra en gedigen lysekrone, skriver han ned sin historie. Det er historien om en klassereise. Historien om Balram Halwai, et tenkende menneske og en gründer. Bosatt i verdens teknologi- og outsourcing[...]
Mellan attentaten utspelar sig i den indiska staden Kittur tiden mellan morden på Indiria Gandhi (1984) och hennes son Rajiv Gandhi (1991).
I fjorton sammanlänkade berättelser skildrar Aravind Adiga ett mikrokosmos av landet när han ger röst åt människor av olika klass och kast och[...]
Mellan attentaten utspelar sig i den indiska staden Kittur tiden mellan morden på Indiria Gandhi (1984) och hennes son Rajiv Gandhi (1991).
I fjorton sammanlänkade berättelser skildrar Aravind Adiga ett mikrokosmos av landet när han ger röst åt människor av olika klass och kast och[...]
I femtio år har det höga huset stått pall för alla förändringar som Bombay genomgått. Nu har fastighetsmogulen Dharmen Shahen fått upp ögonen för marken som huset står på, här ska rivas och byggas nytt.
Han erbjuder en stor summa pengar till alla boende i de kooperativt ägda[...]
»En psykologisk thriller som man sträckläser med samma febriga nyfikenhet som en bra deckare.«
Dagens Nyheter
Balram Halwai föds i en fattig familj på den indiska landsbygden. Tidigt tas han ur skolan för att arbeta i en teservering och bidra till familjens försörjn[...]
"Goda bostäder åt goda indier" står det på skylten utanför torn A i Vishram Society, den som avtäcktes på premiärminister Nehrus födelsedag. Över femtio år har gått, och trots att Bombay blivit ett annat står tornet kvar. Inklämt mellan flygplats och slum, fläckat av regnvatten och m�[...]
Möt Balram Halwai, Den vita tigern: tjänare, filosof, entreprenör, mördare. Under sju nätter, i ljuset av en befängd ljuskrona, berättar Balram sin historia ...
Han föds i Indiens mörka hjärta, och tas ur skolan för att arbeta på en teservering. Medan han krossar[...]
Seitsemän yön kuluessa köyhän riksakuskin poika Balram Halwai kertoo ravistelevan ja vangitsevan menestystarinansa. Jo kouluaikoina hänet nimettiin valkoiseksi tiikeriksi, viidakon harvinaisimmaksi olennoksi, jollainen syntyy vain kerran sukupolvessa.
Rikkaan miehen autokuskina Balr[...]
Aravind Adigan uusi romaani kertoo Mumbain Vakola-slummin laidalla sijaitsevasta Vishram-taloyhtiöstä ja sen hindu-, muslimi- ja kristityistä asukkaista. Keskiluokkaisuus ja osuuskuntamuotoinen taloyhtiö yhdistävät heitä enemmän kuin uskonto erottaa. Parhaat päivänsä nähnyttä Vishramia [...]