Antony's 100 one-pot dishes for the slow cooker, the oven and the hob are wonderfully easy to make. Once you have put the ingredients into the casserole, you just leave them to cook while you get on with something else. There are pot-roasts, stews, braises, curries, breads and puddings from all over[...]
The Glycaemic Index (GI) is a measure of how fast carbohydrates are broken down by your body and therefore how fast they raise blood sugar levels. Unlike other diets, it distinguishes between different types of carbohydrates, so that you don't have to eliminate any food groups, allowing you to eat a[...]
Antony Worrall Thompson on yksi Ison-Britannian tunnetuimmista kokeista ja suositun kokkiohjelman juontaja. Worrall Thompsonilla todettiin metabolinen oireyhtymä, joka voi johtaa aikuistyypin diabetekseen. Oireyhtymän hoito vaati täydellistä ruokavalion ja elämäntapojen muutosta. Ruokaa rakast[...]