"Self Comes to Mind" explores two questions that have haunted philosophers, neurologists, cognitive scientists and psychologists for centuries: how do brains construct minds, and how do minds become conscious? Antonio Damasio has spent the past thirty years studying and writing about how the brain o[...]
Self Comes to Mind explores two questions that have haunted philosophers, neurologists, cognitive scientists and psychologists for centuries: how do brains construct minds, and how do minds become conscious? Antonio Damasio has spent the past thirty years studying and writing about how the brain ope[...]
In the centuries since Descartes famously proclaimed, 'I think, therefore I am,' science has often overlooked emotions as the source of a person's true being. Even modern neuroscience has tended until recently to concentrate on the cognitive aspects of brain function, disregarding emotions. This att[...]
A leading neuroscientist explores with authority, with imagination, and with unparalleled mastery how the brain constructs the mind and how the brain makes that mind conscious.
Antonio Damasio has spent the past thirty years researching and and revealing how the brain works. Here, in his most am[...]
The arrival of neurons and their unique ability to transmit and receive messages was the radical break in the course of the human brain s evolution. This led to the development of the self. Neurons organize themselves in complex circuits and networks. Networks that serve to represent events occurrin[...]
The search for happiness is quintessentially human--a concept that has no bearing on any other creature on earth yet figures foremost among our deepest desires. In the realm of hard science, the journey to happiness is still in its infancy; the final destination, uncertain. The Happiness Trip is a l[...]
Spetsforskning för var och en
I sin nya bok Du och din hjärna presenterar Antonio Damasio häpnadsväckade bevis för att vårt medvetande det som vi betraktar som vårt »själv« i grunden består av biologiska processer som skapas inne i hjärnan. Utöver de tre traditionella persp[...]
Tietoisuuden synty on ihmisen suuria kysymyksiä. Viime vuosina tietoisuuden tutkimus on saanut uusia ulottuvuuksia. Tietoisuutta voidaan nyt tutkia tieteellisesti. Kenties se voidaan jopa selittää.Aivokuvista nähdään, missä tietoisuus syntyy ja mitkä aivojen alueet aiheuttavat tietoisuuden k[...]
Tässä kirjassa aikamme merkittävimpiin neurotieteilijöihin kuuluva Antonio Damasio tarttuu neurologeja, filosofeja, kognitiotieteilijöitä, psykologeja ja tavallisia ihmisiä pitkään askarruttaneeseen kysymykseen. Miten tietoisuus syntyy?Damasio hylkää pitkäikäisen ajatuksen, jonka mukaan[...]
An eminent neuroscientist explores the science of human emotion and what the great Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza can teach of how and why we feel. Damasio shows how joy and sorrow, those most defining of human feelings, are the cornerstones of our survival and culture.[...]
One of the world's leading experts on the neurophysiology of emotions, Professor Damasio shows how our consciousness, our sense of being, arose out of development of emotion. At its core, human consciousness is consciousness of the feeling, experiencing self, the 'very thought of' oneself. Brilliant[...]
Since Descartes famously proclaimed, "I think, therefore I am," science has often overlooked emotions as the source of a person's true being. Even modern neuroscience has tended, until recently, to concentrate on the cognitive aspects of brain function, disregarding emotions. This attitude began to [...]
Antonio Damasio examines the biological roots of consciousness and its role in our survival in "The Feeling of What Happens." How is it that we know what we know? How is it that our conscious and private minds have a sense of self? A gifted medical clinician and scientific thinker, Damasio helps rea[...]
The last in a trilogy of books that investigates the philosophical and scientific foundations of human life Joy, sorrow, jealousy, and awe--these and other feelings are the stuff of our daily lives. In the seventeenth century, the philosopher Spinoza devoted much of his life's work examining how the[...]
Arguably one of the most compelling and elusive territories of scientific research is the landscape of the human brain. The reach of neuroscience is vast, extending to nearly every other scientific and philosophical discipline. From research on the neurobiology of depression to recent breakthroughs [...]
Gjennom en rekke eksempler fra nevrologien, dvs. pasienter med en eller annen lokaliserbar hjernesvikt, argumenterer forfatteren for eksistensen av to bevissthetsdimensjoner, en "kjernebevissthet" og en "autobiografisk bevissthet", at disse er knyttet til bestemte kjernestrukturer, at selvets bestan[...]
Glede, sorg, sjalusi og frykt er deler av vårt daglige liv. Allikevel er studier av slike følelser blitt ignorert. Antonio Damasio mener at nettopp følelser og emosjoner ligger til grunn for vår tenkning og for menneskets utforskning av virkeligheten. Ved hjelp av filosofen Spinoza lærer han os[...]
På lättflytande fackprosa presenterar Antonio Damasio det aktuella kunskapsläget kring hjärnans betydelse för känsla och förnuft. Han för också läsaren in i filosofiska resonemang kring de nya insikterna om vår hjärna och varför Descartes gjorde ett misstag när han en gång i tiden ski[...]