Allow the mystery of Advent and Christmas to touch and transform you. In A Time of Fulfillment: Spiritual Reflections for Advent and Christmas, Anselm Grun brings fresh meaning to the traditional texts of the season and encourages you to experience the deep peace promised by this holy time of year. [...]
It is widely known that the monks of early Christian history, called the desert fathers, held an abounding wisdom of the nature and aspirations of the human person. Drawing on their own experience in the cloisters of the desert they became sought after mentors, teachers and spiritual guides. This bo[...]
The bestselling Benedictine Fr Anselm Grun applied his extenisve counselling experience, great fund of common sense, biblical insight and analytical training to the seven sacraments recognised by the Catholic Church: Baptism, Eucharist (or Communion), Confirmation, Reconciliation (Penance or Confess[...]
Markup is synonymous with the development of the web, but most people only scratch the surface of its capabilities. Why settle for average HTML, when you can become an HTML5 master? That's where this unique book comes in. It's aimed at web designers and developers who want to take their markup even [...]
Mostly written between 1070 and 1080, before he became Archbishop of Canterbury, the prayers and meditations of Anselm of Aosta created a tradition of intimate, intensely personal devotional works written in subtle and theologically daring prose. While the "Prayer to God" is based on the "Lord's Pra[...]
Taken from the Great Philosphers, Volume II.
After Aquinas, Anselm is the most significant medieval thinker. Utterly convinced of the truth of the Christian religion, he was none the less determined to try to make sense of his Christian faith, and the result is a rigorous engagement with problems of logic which remain relevant for philosophers[...]
Sandra Visser and Thomas Williams offer a brief, accessible introduction to the life and thought of St. Anselm (c. 1033-1109). Anselm, who was Archbishop of Canterbury for the last 16 years of his life, is unquestionably one of the foremost philosopher-theologians of the Middle Ages. Indeed he may [...]
This paperback edition brings back into circulation an important source of St Anselm's words and thoughts, as preserved by his close companions and disciples. One of the most interesting things about Anselm is the deep impression that he made on those who heard him, whether in conversation, in monas[...]
'For I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand. For I believe this also, that unless I believe, I shall not understand.' Does God exist? Can we know anything about God's nature? Have we any reason to think that the Christian religion is true? What i[...]
Most writing on sociological method has been concerned with how .accurate facts can be obtained and how theory can thereby be more rigorously tested. In "The Discovery of Grounded Theory, "Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss address the equally Important enterprise of how the discovery of theory from d[...]
This work has been written for those who must work with and give care to the dying. The book's discussion is not a simple narrative or description; it is a "rendition of reality," informed by a rather densely woven and fairly abstract theoretical scheme. This scheme evolved gradually during the cour[...]
This book brings together original research in theatre and the visual arts, around the common object of a revaluation of the intersections of the theatre and visual culture. Contributors are drawn from a stimulating mix of highly-esteemed and established scholars (such as Shearer West, Jim Davis, Ri[...]
The work of Anselm Kiefer begins with a crucial question. How, after the Holocaust, can one be an artist within the German tradition? Born at the end of the Second World War, Kiefer's career represents a quasi-existential quest to redefine Germanness. This new monograph will examine the foundation o[...]
In this superbly illustrated volume, Daniele Cohn, who has worked alongside Anselm Kiefer for many years, explains the central role the artists studios play in his artistic process. She reveals how Kiefer's ateliers their layout and organization, and their location are intrinsic to his work as a pai[...]
Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945) is one of the most important and controversial artists at work in the world today. Through such diverse mediums as painting, photography, artists books, installations and sculpture, he has interpreted the great political and cultural issues at the heart of the modern European[...]
This is the first serious intellectual biography of Guy Debord, prime mover of the Situationist International (1957-1972) and author of The Society of the Spectacle, perhaps the seminal book of May 1968 in France. Anselm Jappe rejects recent attempts to set Debord up as a "postmodern" icon, arguing [...]
Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), Benedictine monk and the second Norman archbishop of Canterbury, is regarded as one of the most important philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. The essays in this volume explore all of his major ideas both philosophical and theological, including his teac[...]