This title is suitable for embroiderers at all skill levels who want the basics of the craft along with a huge variety of whimsical, romantic and classic motifs, plus project ideas with a fresh, contemporary look. "Sweet Stitches from the Heart" is a collection of 900+ delightful, timeless embroider[...]
"Simple and timeless in red, white and blue, these exquisite needlecraft motifs can be used in a multitude of ways to create unique gifts and home accessories. Everything can be embroidered, from little canvas shoes to bed linen and handkerchiefs, from linen bags to cushions and from bath towels to [...]
Kirjominen ja ristipistotyöt ovat ihanan rentouttavaa puuhaa. Jokainen oppii nämä taidot, ja jokaiselle sopivia malleja löytyy neljän ranskattaren elegantista oppaasta. Risti-, varsi- ja solmupistoilla toteutettuun kirjontaan on helppo ihastua. Punaisella, valkoisella tai sinisellä langalla ki[...]