Anne Orford - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Anne Orford
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  1. Reading Humanitarian Intervention (Häftad)


    Anne Orford

    ISBN: 9780521047661 - UTGIVEN: 200712

    During the 1990s, humanitarian intervention seemed to promise a world in which democracy, self-determination and human rights would be privileged over national interests or imperial ambitions. Orford provides critical readings of the narratives that accompanied such interventions and shaped legal ju[...]

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    från 454.00 kr
  2. International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect (Pocket)


    Anne Orford

    ISBN: 9780521186384 - UTGIVEN: 201103

    The idea that states and the international community have a responsibility to protect populations at risk has framed internationalist debates about conflict prevention, humanitarian aid, peacekeeping and territorial administration since 2001. This book situates the responsibility to protect concept [...]

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    från 382.00 kr