Colonialism/Postcolonialism is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies. Ania Loomba deftly introduces and examines: key features of the ideologies and history of colonialism the relationship of colonial discourse to liter[...]
Colonialism/Postcolonialism is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies. This new edition includes a new introduction and conclusion as well as extensive updates throughout. Topics covered include Occupy Wall Street, the A[...]
Vilken roll spelar kolonialismens historia och arv i dagens värld? Hur kan vi gå till väga för att agera och tänka bortom koloniala gränsdragningar och identiteter?
Litteraturprofessorn Ania Loombas bok om postkolonial teori har de senaste åren använts flitigt i den engelskspråki[...]