If you're a tractor enthusiast with a passion for tractor photography, "Legendary Farm Tractors" is a dream-come-true pictorial produced with you in mind. Containing more color photographs of more types of farm tractors than any other book in print, "Legendary Farm Tractors" presents tractors from t[...]
Kirjassa käydään läpi aakkosjärjestyksessä kattavasti eurooppalaiset traktorimerkit, niiden historia ja tärkeimmät mallit. Mukana ovat myös ne amerikkalaiset valmistajat, kuten Allis-Chalmers, Fordson, John Deere ja International, jotka perustivat tehtaitaan Eurooppaan. Tunnettujen merkkien[...]
This is the ultimate book on International Harvester Farmall tractors, one of the most popular, revolutionary, and common of all tractors. It is the first book to feature every Farmall model, chronicling the background of McCormick-Deering and International Harvester and outlining the beginnings of [...]
This encyclopedia of John Deere tractors from around the globe, first published in 1999, is now updated with more than a decade of new Big Green machines. From John Froelich's revolutionary model to the Dain All Wheel Drive, the Waterloo Boy, and the great Johnny Poppers, from the New Generation of [...]
Launched in 1958, as the successor to the ubiquitous Ferguson TE20, the Massey-Ferguson 35 was a product of the merger of Massey-Harris and Ferguson. It incorporated numerous improvements and new features and became massively popular worldwide. Its companion, the 65 model, was introduced shortly aft[...]