Por primera vez se reunen en un solo volumen los cuentos completos de una autentica leyenda literaria, Andres Caicedo, en esta edicion que incluye la reproduccion facsimil de su primer relato, -El Ideal-, inedito hasta el momento.
Casi cuarenta anos despues de su muerte, la obra de este autor ico[...]
Andres Caicedo's novel Liveforever is a wild celebration of youth, hedonism and the transforming power of music. Maria del Carmen Huerta lives a respectable middle-class life in Colombia. One day she misses class, and discovers she cannot return to her ordinary existence but must pursue her passion [...]
This is a novel of initiation. An invitation to a never-ending party where the host invites the world to go down the black hole of their chosen excess in happiness. Caicedo's oeuvre is considered among the most original works in Colombian literature. He was 25 when he committed suicide, the same day[...]