Updated and available for the first time in English, "Mafia Inc." reveals how the Rizzuto clan built their Canadian empire through force and corruption, alliances and compromises, and turned it into one of the most powerful criminal organizations in North America. Relying on extensive court document[...]
Suomalaistunut kanadalaissyntyinen kirjoittaja esittää, että suomalainen elämäntyyli on tie henkilökohtaiseen ja liike-elämän menestykseen, ja esittelee Mahdollisuusmallin menestyksen kartaksi. Perusväittämä on, että omaperäiset kansalliset arvot ja toimintatavat ovat antaneet Suomelle [...]
The Finnish Miracle is a book about Finnishness and success. The basic thesis is that there is a set of original national values and ways of doing things that have given Finland a competitive advantage in developing an enviable level of peace and sustainable prosperity. The book also introduces the [...]
The Finnish Miracle is a book about Finnishness and success. The basic thesis is that Finland has a set of original national values and ways of doing things that have given it a competitive advantage in developing an enviable level of peace and sustainable prosperity. An unforgettable journey into a[...]