In Spanish, "TA dirAs" means "you will say" . . . and with this text, you will say that Spanish is a fun and exciting language to learn! Media-savvy students like you will love ATA DIRAS! because its fully integrated technology helps you learn in ways with which you are familiar--through video, audi[...]
Felsägningar och komiska missförstånd. Det som är pinsamt när det händer men som ger oss ett gott skratt senare i livet när vi berättar om det för våra nära och kära.
I denna antologi har 22 författare som själva varit med om situationer som resulterat i dråpliga kulturkroc[...]
Komplett enspråkig grammatik i två delar. Innehåller övningar och facit till dessa.
Undergraduate teaching and learning has faced external challenges throughout each historic period in Higher Education. Today the challenge to account for how students are taught and how they learn has become a prominent focus. This book frames the debates on teaching and learning accountability in H[...]
A new concept in cookbooks, this series is designed for those who want to replicate at home the trendy international cuisine they typically enjoy at restaurants. Simple and nutritious recipes put elegant dishes within the reach of the novice cook. Each book in the series contains 50 recipes.