Denna bok ger ett inträngande och levande porträtt av reklamarbete, reklambyråer och kundrelationer i reklambranschen. Den är baserad på en djupstudie av en reklambyrå samt intervjuer med företrädare för andra byråer och centralt placerade företrädare för branschen.
Boken tar u[...]
'Alvesson and Deetz rehearse the arguments against neo-positivism and quantitative research very effectively! also make the important distinction between qualitative work in general and critical qualitative work in particular. The arguments here feel fresh and engaged, helped along by numerous illus[...]
All researchers want to produce interesting and influential theories. A key step in all theory development is formulating innovative research questions that will result in interesting and significant research. Traditional textbooks on research methods tend to ignore, or gloss over, actual ways of co[...]
In this book, Mats Alvesson aims to demystify some popular and upbeat claims about a range of phenomena, including the knowledge society, consumption, branding, higher education, organizational change, professionalization, and leadership. He contends that a culture of grandiosity is leading to numer[...]
In this book, Mats Alvesson aims to demystify some popular and upbeat claims about a range of phenomena, including the knowledge society, consumption, branding, higher education, organizational change, professionalization, and leadership. He contends that a culture of grandiosity is leading to numer[...]
This book addresses the concept of knowledge, and its use in the contexts of work and organizations. It provides a critical understanding of current approaches to knowledge management, organization, and the 'knowledge economy'. The author describes a number of cases of 'knowledge intensive firms', i[...]
In this book, Mats Alvesson aims to demystify some popular and upbeat claims about a range of phenomena, including the knowledge society, consumption, branding, higher education, organizational change, professionalization, and leadership. He contends that a culture of grandiosity is leading to numer[...]
* What is postmodernism? * How can it be used to develop social research? * How can we do social research in more creative ways? This book integrates philosophical and theoretical ideas with fieldwork and supports the development of research methods with a sharper interpretive and self-critical edge[...]
How do people react to significant organizational change? Do we see ourselves as helping change to come about, or allowing change to happen around us? How can we adapt more easily to change? Based around an illuminating extended case-study, this important text uncovers the reality of organizational[...]
Synthesizes for students the advances in the field of organizational culture and also uses in-depth examples to develop and illustrate ideas on how cultural thinking can be used in managerial and non- managerial organizational theory and (theory-supported) practice.[...]
Researchers conducting interviews in the social sciences quickly find that there is no single best way to approach their task. This text offers a critique of traditional interviewing practices and provides a framework for thinking about issues such as trustworthiness, identity and language in a conc[...]
Empirical data is one of the cornerstones of knowledge in the social sciences, and yet the researcher often takes it for granted, reserving his or her imaginative faculties for finding a theory that 'fits the data'. This revealing account of the theory-data relationship calls this faith in data into[...]
Challenges and provokes critical thinking, giving insight in to the field of organizational culture. This book answers questions of definition, explores alternative perspectives, and expands on substantive issues before discussing key issues of research synthesizes for students the advances in the f[...]
Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here. "With his usual engaging and inimitable style, Mats Alvesson takes the reader on a riveting journey through the diverse ways in which culture itself can be understood and how these powerfully inform organizational life." (Blake E. Ashforth, [...]
The authors develop a methodology for identifying and challenging assumptions underlying existing theories and generating research questions, using examples from across the social sciences.[...]
"An unusually comprehensive and sophisticated analysis of how organizations and the men and women who work within them are affected by gendered processes and relations. Alvesson and Billing's contribution is unique in its sensitivity to the wide range of processes affected by gender paired with its [...]
Praise for the First Edition: 'Reflexive Methodology is a textbook indispensable to any young researcher. It does not tell its readers how to do research. It does something much more important: It shows how research has been done in the qualitative tradition, thus encouraging the readers to make the[...]
Praise for the First Edition: 'Reflexive Methodology is a textbook indispensable to any young researcher. It does not tell its readers how to do research. It does something much more important: It shows how research has been done in the qualitative tradition, thus encouraging the readers to make the[...]
The first edition of Making Sense of Management set out to provide a fresh perspective on management that was both broad and critical, exploring how the disruptive and constructive potential of critical theory can be realized in organizations. Along the way, it has proven to be a landmark contributi[...]
Boken gir en innføring i kulturperspektivet på organisasjon og ledelse. Den presenterer praktiske eksempler på hvordan det kulturelle perspektivet kan anvendes i en organisasjons- og ledelsessammenheng, og fokuserer på det å håndtere komplekse situasjoner og forstå organisasjonskultur. Boken [...]
Varje vecka kommer en rykande färsk intervju med en omdebatterad kändis. En utmärkt kompass för dagens invecklade politiska klimat!Mats Alvesson är professor på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet och en av Sveriges idag ledande intellektuella. Med osedvanlig skärpa debatterar han om vad [...]
Kritiskt tänkande brukar hävdas vara centralt i all akademisk verksamhet. En huvuduppgift för samhällsvetenskapen är att kritiskt undersöka sociala institutioner, idéer och praktiker. Flertalet tunga samhällsvetenskapliga forskare omfattas också av en kritisk ambition, exe[...]
Vad innebär det att arbeta med en avhandling? Varför blir detta arbete en sådan viktig del av identiteten? Hur resonerar handledare? När och för vem blir avhandlingen ett livsverk?
I boken reflekterar ett antal aktiva forskare över avhandlingsskrivande, inträdet i forskarkollektiv[...]
När första upplagan av Tolkning och reflektion utkom 1994 bröt den nya vägar inom kvalitativ samhällsforskning och samhällsvetenskaplig metodologi. Boken blev snabbt något av en modern klassiker och används flitigt på metodkurser vid universitet och högskolor.
En grundtanke i b[...]