Allison Graham - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Allison Graham
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  1. Lee Kuan Yew (Inbunden)


    Graham Allison, Robert D. Blackwill, Ali Wyne

    ISBN: 9780262019125 - UTGIVEN: 201302

    When Lee Kuan Yew speaks, presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, and CEOs listen. Lee, the founding father of modern Singapore and its prime minister from 1959 to 1990, has honed his wisdom during more than fifty years on the world stage. Almost single-handedly responsible for transforming Singapor[...]

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    från 159.00 kr
  2. Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy: Containing the Threat of Loose Russian Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Material (Övrig)


    Graham T. Allison, Jr. Owen R. Cote, Richard A. Falkenrath, Steven E. Miller

    ISBN: 9780262510882 - UTGIVEN: 1996-05-02

    What if the bomb that exploded in Oklahoma City or New York's World Trade Center had used 100 pounds of highly enriched uranium? The destruction would have been far more vast. This danger is not so remote: the recipe for making such a bomb is simple, and soon the ingredients might be easily attained[...]

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    från 274.00 kr
  3. Essence of Decision (Häftad)


    Graham T. Allison, Philip Zelikow

    ISBN: 9780321013491 - UTGIVEN: 199901

    One of the most influental political science works written in the post World War II era, the original edition of Essence of Decision is a unique and fascinating examination of the pivotal event of the cold Cold War. Not simply revised, but completely re-written, the Second Edition of this classic te[...]

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    från 260.00 kr
  4. Nuclear Terrorism (Häftad)


    Graham T. Allison

    ISBN: 9781845293499 - UTGIVEN: 200603

    Americans in the twenty-first century are keenly aware of the many forms of terrorism: hijackings, biological attacks, chemical weapons. But, the deadliest form is almost too scary to think about. This book offers a blueprint for eliminating the possibility of nuclear terrorist attacks, if we are wi[...]

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    från 130.00 kr