This is the journal of Joe Necchi, a junkie living on a barge that plies the rivers and bays of New York. Joe's world is the half-world of drugs and addicts--the world of furtive fixes in sordid Harlem apartments, of police pursuits down deserted subway stations. Junk for Necchi, however, is a tool,[...]
When a drifter discovers the corpse of young woman while traveling on a barge on the Clyde River, he soon finds himself a suspect in the subsequent murder investigation. OReprint.[...]
Probably the most famous novel about drug addiction and the hazards and excitements of an addict's life after Burrough's Naked Lunch, this modern classic - which was prosecuted in Britain for obscenity in 1965 - still shocks in its frankness and is relevant to this day.[...]
Trocchi's narrator is an outsider; a drifter working for the skipper of a barge. Together they discover a young woman's corpse floating in the canal. Tensions increase in cramped confines with the narrator's highly charged seduction of the skipper's wife. Compulsively readable, this is no ordinary t[...]
This new edition of the critically-acclaimed biography of Alexander Trocchi has been revised, extended and updated since its first publication in 1991 when it helped to create new interest in the celebrated - and notorious - author of Young Adam and Cain's Book. It was highly influential, led to the[...]
Alexander Trocchi var en ytterligheternas man. Han har beskrivits som en heroinets apostel, en filosof från livets hårda skola, en skarp litteraturkritiker och begåvad redaktör. Han skrev billiga porrnoveller, politiska manifest och drömlika romaner. Han jobbade som grisfarmare och planerade re[...]
"Alexander Trocchi on ehkä maailman hienoin tuntematon kirjailija." - The Bloomsbury Review
Beatkirjallisuuden klassikko, eksistentiaalinen trilleri vuodelta 1954.
Joe ansaitsee vaatimattomat tulonsa työskentelemällä Clyde-jokea seilaavalla rähjäisellä proomulla. Erään[...]