How does one become an Iron Chef and a "Chopped" judge on Food Network--and what does she "really" cook at home?
Alex Guarnaschelli grew up in a home suffused with a love of cooking, where souffles and cheeseburgers were equally revered. The daughter of a respected cookbook editor and a Chinese [...]
The classic best-seller is now available in a condensed, more affordable, compact edition. With graphic illustrations and explicit advice about sexual techniques and positions, combined with a tender appreciation of the power of love to enhance sexual pleasure, The New Joy of Sex, Compact Edition wi[...]
A bestseller since it was first published in 1972, Alex Comfort's classic work celebrates human physical intimacy with such authority and clarity that a whole generation felt empowered to enjoy sex. It was groundbreaking and unique in the wide range of subjects it discussed and in its reassuring aut[...]
Tämän kirjan avulla jokaisen seksielämästä voi tulla yhä parempaa ja se voi parhaimmillaan vain kehittyä ajan ja parisuhteen elinkaaren myötä. Rakastamisen nautinto on luottamuksellinen, rakkauden täyttämä ja parisuhdetta arvostava teos, joka suoralla, kunnioittavalla ja huumorin sävytt[...]