The life-changing program everyone is talking aboutAlejandro Junger, M.D., offers a comprehensive and medically proven program to rid our bodies of the multitude of toxins that tax our systems on a daily basis. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will suddenly disappear, extra weig[...]
Alejandro Junger, M.D. delivers a groundbreaking new program for discovering life-long health by pre-emptively eliminating the root cause of illness. This complete tool-kit offers a two week gut repair that restores our body's amazing healing capabilities keeping symptoms both major and minor away f[...]
In Clean Gut, Alejandro Junger, M.D, New York Times bestselling author of Clean and creator of the world-famous Clean Program, delivers a complete toolkit for reversing disease and sustaining life-long health. All of today's most-diagnosed ailments can be traced back to an injured and irritated gut[...]
A Life-Changing Medical BreakthroughClean is an M.D.'s program designed to be easily incorporated into our busy schedule while providing all the practical tools necessary to support and rejuvenate our bodies. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will suddenly disappear, extra weight[...]
From Dr. Alejandro Junger, author of the New York Times bestsellers Clean and Clean Gut, comes Clean Eats, a cookbook featuring over 180 delicious, easy-to-prepare, healthy recipes all aimed at helping you restore your natural ability to heal yourself.In Clean, New York City cardiologist Dr. Alejand[...]
Cuantos de nosotros podriamos decir sinceramente que no padecemos de al menos uno de los siguientes problemas:
â Gripes o virus cada ano
â Alergias o fiebre del heno
â Sobrepeso persistente
â Noches sin descanso
â Indigestion recurrente, estrenimiento o [...]
Clean Gut 30 minutes is the essential guide to quickly understanding the important health lessons outlined in Dr. Alejandro Junger's best-selling book, Clean Gut.Understand the key ideas of Clean Gut in a fraction of the time, using this guide's: Concise synopsis, which examines the principles[...]
Mange af de skavanker og sygdomme, der plager os i vores hverdag, skyldes, at vi ophober affaldsstoffer i kroppen. Den mad, vi spiser, og det kemikaliefyldte miljø, vi er omgivet af, gør, at vores krop år for år bliver stadigt mere belastet af ophobede affaldsstoffer. Ren krop - sund kro[...]
Mullistava kehonhoito-ohjelma, joka palauttaa kehon luonnollisen kyvyn parantaa itse itsensä.Tri Alejandro Junger esittelee tässä teoksessa kehittämänsä lääketieteellisen kehonhoito-ohjelman, jonka avulla ihmiskeho saadaan parantamaan itse itsensä ilman lääkkeitä ja joka sopii kiireiseen[...]