Alain Passard - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Alain Passard
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  1. The Art of Cooking with Vegetables (Inbunden)


    Alain Passard

    ISBN: 9780711233355 - UTGIVEN: 201206

    Alain Passard is chef who astonished the food world in 2001 by removing red meat from his three-Michelin-starred Paris restaurant L'Arpege, and dedicating himself to cooking with vegetables, supplied exclusively from his own organic farm. Today L'Arpege is widely acknowledged as one of the world's g[...]

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    från 179.00 kr
  2. In the Kitchen with Alain Passard (Inbunden)

    ISBN: 9781452113463 - UTGIVEN: 201306

    This is a nonfiction graphic novel of scenes in the kitchen and restaurants of Alain Passard, the three-Michelin-starred French chef of L'Arpege in Paris. The book is part portrait of a master chef, part inside look at his creative process, and part humorous riff on fine dining by an outside observe[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 127.00 kr