There are saints in Orthodox Christian culture who overturn the conventional concept of sainthood. Their conduct may be unruly and salacious, they may blaspheme and even kill - yet, mysteriously, those around them treat them with even more reverence. Such saints are called 'holy fools'. In this pion[...]
Bon voyage Grab your binoculars, pack your fanciest luggage, and get ready for adventure Travel along with Nancy as she explores dozens of new and exciting places--and add your own creative touches along the way With sixty-four pages of fun-filled activities, this fantastic doodle and draw book is[...]
Goroda Joburg net na karte. V Sovetskom Sojuze byl zakrytyj promyshlennyj gorod-gigant Sverdlovsk, v Rossii on prevratilsja v khajtekovskij megapolis Ekaterinburg, a Joburg - promezhutochnaja stadija mezhdu sovetskoj i rossijskoj formatsijami.V novoj knige Alekseja Ivanova "Joburg" - sto novell o Ek[...]
V etoj knige vy prochitaete chudesnuju skazku V. Bianki o prikljuchenijakh malenkogo myshonka Pika, kotorogo na kazhdom shagu podsteregajut opasnosti i nevzgody, a takzhe skazochnye istorii A. Ivanova o prikljuchenijakh dvukh druzej - Khomy i Suslika, po sjuzhetam kotorykh snjaty zamechatelnye multf[...]
6 PRICHIN PODARIT REBJONKU KNIGU IZ SERII "CHITAEM SAMI"Krupnyj shrift pravilnogo akademicheskogo nachertanija optimalen dlja prochtenija samim rebjonkom. Slova s udarenijami - vydelenie udarnogo sloga pomogaet rebjonku izbezhat trudnostej pri opredelenii mesta udarenija.OCHEN plotnaj[...]