En eftermiddag i källarlokalen där stödgruppen för unga cancersjuka träffas förändras livet som återstår. Hazel möter Augustus Waters blick och deras historia ska komma att bli en sådan som poeterna diktar om. Gripande, intelligent, rolig och förkrossande läsning av bästsäljande John [...]
Hazel är 17 år och kommer aldrig att bli frisk igen. Det har hon vetat sedan dagen då hon fick sin cancerdiagnos för tre år sedan.
Hazels mamma är orolig för att Hazel ska missbruka Americas Next Top Model och bli allt mer isolerad hemma vid teven. Depression är ju en vanlig bieffekt till[...]
Förkrossande vackert, berörande och underhållande
Hazel är 17 år och kommer aldrig att bli frisk igen. Det har hon vetat sedan dagen då hon fick sin cancerdiagnos för tre år sedan.
Hazels mamma är orolig för att Hazel ska missbruka Americas Next Top Model och bli allt mer isole[...]
En ny John Green! EN NY JOHN GREEN!
Sällan har en berättelse berört så många, så starkt som hjärtskärande Förr eller senare exploderar jag. Världen över hyllas och älskas boken som nu blir film. I John Greens Pappersstäder trasslas vi in i ett nät av ledtrådar i sökandet efte[...]
Kipu ei jalosta, mutta tekee näkyväksiKilpirauhassyöpää sairastava 16-vuotias Hazel on onnekas saatuaan muutaman lisävuoden. Elämä tuntuu soljuvan sormien lomitse, kunnes hän tapaa Augustuksen. Itsepintaisen sinnikäs poika on päättänyt voittaa omakseen sydämen, jonka siihen saakka on t[...]
Kaksi seikkailunhaluista koltiaista, Finias ja Ferb, sekoittavat uimaaltaaseen hyytelöä ja ilo on ylimmillään...kunnes tohtori Tollontyön uusin keksintö herättää hyytelön eloon! Saavatko kekseliäät veljekset kaikkiruokaisen tuttu, hervoton sarja, joka ilmestyy nyt myös mukaansatempaavan[...]
All the magnificence of ancient Rome, depicted in 41 captioned, finely detailed illustrations: defeat of Germanic invaders, crushing of a slave revolt, assassination of Julius Caesar, more.
A recent report for the CIPD indicated that stress is now the more common cause of long-term sick leave in the UK for the first time ever. Demanding workloads and lack of job security are key stress factors, but in a tough, highly competitive environment these stressors are no longer avoidable. But [...]
Did you know that up to one in five people in the UK suffer from hay fever? Are you one of them? In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how genetic, dietary, psychological and environmental factors can contribute to hay fever and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you[...]
The relationship between religion and human rights is complex and problematic throughout the world. Most of the world's religions have been used for violence, repression, and prejudice. Yet each of these religions can play a crucial role in the modern struggle for universal human rights. Human righ[...]
Presents a compilation of facts about a diversity of topics which can be used to enliven conversation and impress others at social events.[...]
This is the classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning. Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John and the brutal Sheriff of Nottingham. Taking refuge in the vast Sherwood Forest with his band of men, he remains determined to outwit his [...]
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be complet[...]
This book is written primarily for psychology and education students whose programs include a course in child psychology, child development, or theories of development. The text may also be used to supplement courses on child development organized thematically or chronologically. Instructors of grad[...]
Spanning thousands of years, this new collection brings together writings and teachings about sex, marriage, and family from the Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, and Confucian traditions. The volume includes traditional texts as well as contemporary materials showing how the religions ha[...]
In 1953, a young writer journeys to Ireland to create a screenplay of Moby Dick for movie mogul John Huston and meets a delightful cast of characters, including IRA terrorists, alcoholic clergy, fiendish playwrights, a notorious white whale, and the regulars at Heeber Finn's pub. Reissue.[...]
42 popular breeds--collie, poodle, dachshund, etc.--beautifully rendered. Captions, glossary, canine origins, history.