Detective John Rebus first appeared in Ian Rankin's 1987 bestseller Knots and Crosses and has since gone on to appear in 17 books and numerous short stories. For over 20 years these critically-acclaimed, notoriously gritty novels have sold in their millions, thrilled readers the world over and have [...]
'My name is Jude. And because of Law, Hey and the Obscure, they thought I was a boy.' Jude is twenty-one when she flies in a private plane to Sark, a tiny carless Channel Island, the last place in Europe to abolish feudalism. She has been hired for the summer to give tuition to a rich local boy call[...]
The farmer's boy from Ayrshire who went on to be the most acclaimed of all Scottish poets, celebrated around the world, Robert Burns is a greater and more varied artist than those that know him only through annual Burns' Suppers and choruses of his "Auld Lang Syne" at New Year could imagine. This ne[...]
Shinto is an ancient faith of forests and snow capped mountains. It sees the divine in rocks and streams communing with spirit worlds through bamboo twigs and the evergreen sakaki tree. Yet it is also the manicured suburban garden and the blades of grass between cracks in city paving stones. Structu[...]
All the short stories in "Crimespotting" are brand new and specially commissioned. The brief was deceptively simple - each story must be set in Edinburgh and feature a crime. The results range from hard-boiled police procedural to historical whodunit and from the wildly comic to the spookily superna[...]
The book that fans of the Skids, Big Country and the Raphaels have been waiting for - a critical perspective not only of Adamson's music and its wider cultural influence, but also the excesses of fame and how the music business really works. Stuart Adamson: In A Big Country tells the story of how a[...]
"Introducing Newton" explains the extraordinary ideas of a man who sifted through the accumulated knowledge of centuries, tossed out mistaken beliefs, and single-handedly made enormous advances in mathematics, mechanics and optics. By the age of 25, entirely self-taught, he had sketched out a system[...]
In clinical trials, it's called the placebo effect. But patients treated with placebos don't just feel better. It's not just 'in their heads'. They can heal their bodies by healing their thoughts. For years, pioneers in the medical community have been extolling the virtues of the mind's power to hea[...]
Fur dieses Buch haben renommierte Grafikdesigner wie Fons Hickmann und Mario Lombardo sowie junge internationale Talente auf der Basis von Songtexten mit aktuellen Fonts innovative Visuals gestaltet. Das Zusammenspiel von Typografie und Musik macht die Schriften lebendig und zeigt ihr grosses Ausdru[...]
"Verborgene Muster" Eine Mordserie versetzt Edinburgh in Angst: Zwei Mädchen wurden getötet, ein drittes ist verschwunden. Detective Sergeant John Rebus tappt im Dunkeln, denn auf den ersten Blick gibt es keine Verbindung zwischen den Morden ... "Das zweite Zeichen" In einem heruntergekommenen Ha[...]
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, HAID 2012, held in Lund, Sweden, in August 2012. The 15 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical[...]
One of the most compelling celebrity photographers of his generation, the author brings a charged vitality to all the subjects he portrays. This title combines the best of his work from the worlds of fashion, music and the media.[...]
Shooting to international superstardom as a runway model for Victoria's Secret and a cover model for Sports Illustrated's coveted Swimsuit edition, Heidi Klum is no stranger to success. Gifted with sizzling looks and a dynamic peronality, this German-born beauty is one of the most recognizable faces[...]
Man kan si det hele begynte med en rødøyd uteligger med slimet fingre som satte skrekken i deltidsbartenderen Neville. Eller når Archroys kone byttet hans trofaste Morris Minor for fem magiske bønner mens han var på gummifabrikken. Men på en annen side begynte vel dette betraktelig mye tidlige[...]
Da lægen og forfatteren Lissa Rankin selv blev syg, og behandlingen, hun fik, ikke alene var virkningsløs, men gjorde det hele meget værre, gik det op for hende, at den lægevidenskab, hun havde lært og praktiserede, manglede noget helt essentielt. Nemlig en anerkendelse af, at kroppen er i stan[...]
Lige siden John Rebus blev tvunget på pension, har han arbejdet for Edinburghs Serious Crime Rewiew Unit, afdelingen for uopklarede sager, som civil medarbejder, men han savner livet i frontlinjen.
Så da en tolv år gammel sag om en forsvundet ung kvinde lander på hans bord, k[...]
En seriemorder er på spil, og politiet er i chok, masser af betjente sættes på sagen, al orlov inddrages, journalisterne samles som gribbe.[...]
Mens Rebus kæmper sig gennem endnu en Edinburgh-vinter, bliver han kastet ind i et net af intriger, som rejser flere spørgsmål end svar. Blev Lord Provosts datter kidnappet, eller er der tale om endnu en ung pige, der er stukket af hjemmefra? Hvorfor har et byrådsmedlem først nu travlt med at t[...]
Da det engang så fine Central Hotel i Edinburgh brændte ned til grunden, var det gerådet i dybt økonomisk uføre, og årsagen til branden blev aldrig opklaret. Ingen interesserede sig for det gamle fallitbo.
Da der fem år senere bliver fundet et forkullet lig i ruinerne[...]
Exit Music er 14. bind på dansk om Edinburgh-detektiven John Rebus.
I Edinburgh er det sidst på efteråret og sidst i kommissær Rebus´ karriere. Han skal pensioneres, men mens han er ved at pakke ned, dukker der en ny mordsag op.[...]
I slutningen af 1960´erne hjemsøgte en brutal kvindemorder, Bible John, Glasgows gader. Tre kvinder nåede han at myrde, inden han forsvandt sporløst. Han blev aldrig fundet.
Tyve år senere rystes Skotland af endnu en række kvindemord, der i uhyggelig grad minder om dem, Bible John begik i s[...]
Det trækker op til bandekrig mellem den skrupelløse opkomling, Tommy Telford, og byens ukronede gangsterkonge, Big Ger Cafferty.
I krigens kølvand følger drab, narko og indsmugling af bosniske piger som sexslaver. Kriminalkommissær John Rebus bliver personligt involveret i flere af sage[...]
Ingen kan lide ´Klagerne´ â de politifolk, som har til opgave at undersøge andre politifolk. Complaints and Conduct Department hedder afdelingen i Edinburgh, der er politiets specialenhed for interne affærer. Her arbejder Malcolm Fox. Han har netop afsluttet en stor sag om en ræk[...]
Ingen kan lide ´Klagerne´ - de politifolk, som har til opgave at undersøge andre politifolk. ´Complaints and Conduct Department´ hedder afdelingen i Edinburgh, der er politiets specialenhed for interne affærer.
Malcolm Fox og hans gruppe bliver sendt til den lille fl�[...]