Five hundred years have passed since the devastating demon-led war that tore apart the United States, leaving nothing but scorched and poisoned ruins, and nearly exterminating humankind. Those who escaped the carnage and blight were led to sanctuary by the boy savior kn[...]
Serving as a church leader can be a tough assignment. Whatever your role, odds are you've known your share of the frustration, conflict, and disillusionment that comes with silly turf battles, conflicting vision, and marathon meetings. No doubt, you've asked yourself, "How did it get this way?" With[...]
The new point-of-care reference tool for healthcare professionals includes an overview of diabetes and covers the current accepted strategies for screening, diagnosis, prevention, evaluation, treatment selection and goals, and general patient management.[...]
The Physicians' Desk Reference has been the premier reference on prescription drugs for 69 years. This highly respected, instantly recognized book is found in nearly every physician's office, clinic, hospital, pharmacy, and library. Completely updated every year, the PDR provides critical, current i[...]
For nearly three decades, the Chicago Tribune has run its annual Holiday Cookie Contest, asking readers to submit recipes that are both unique and meaningful to them. Each recipe is accompanied by a brief description or story explaining why the cookie is special to the reader and their family. The C[...]
Offers nascent mechanistic understanding of the molecular events driving the signal transduction of adhesion-GPCRs, novel models to evaluate their functions, and evidence for their involvement in human disease. This title summarizes various perspectives on NBCDs and the scientific and regulatory con[...]