Som en röd tråd i diskussionen av fenomenet stress i denna bok löper jämförelsen mellan å ena sidan zebran som flyr över savannen för att komma undan ett jagande lejon och, å den andra, en bekymrad villaägare som oroar sig för sina banklån.
För den flyende zebran krävs ett[...]
Kvalitativ metod är ett begrepp som rymmer en mosaik av metoder för kvalitativ forskning. Den här boken är en praktisk vägledning för alla som planerar för eller arbetar med en kvalitativ studie. Boken presenterar metoder för att bedriva kvalitativ forskning, med många konkreta exempel frå[...]
Fallstudien är en av de vanligaste formerna av vetenskapligt arbete på grundnivån inom det samhällsvetenskapliga fältet. Boken presenterar fallstudien och går igenom problemformulering, insamling och analys av data samt rapportens struktur. Metodens tillämpning inom områden som sociologi, ps[...]
Den 22 november är det 50 år sedan
John F Kennedy mördades i Dallas.
Nils Lodin, före detta utrikeschef på Aftonbladet, redogör i denna bok för den mängd omständigheter som talar för att inte bara mordet av John F Kennedy 1963 utan också mordet på Robert Kennedy 1968 var resultat[...]
This ground-breaking and exhaustive analysis of university ranking surveys scrutinizes their theoretical bases, methodological issues, societal impact, and policy implications, providing readers with a deep understanding of these controversial comparators. The authors propose that university ranking[...]
This introduction to noncommutative noetherian rings is intended to be accessible to anyone with a basic background in abstract algebra. It can be used as a second-year graduate text, or as a self-contained reference. Extensive explanatory discussion is given, and exercises are integrated throughout[...]
In an inquiry that encompasses a probe of the human psyche, an analysis of the organization of primitive society, and an examination of the sources of profit and the accumulation of wealth, the noted economist explores the nature and dynamics of capitalism[...]
The effect of climate on historical change represents an exciting frontier for reading and research. In this volume scholars contribute to an area of interdisciplinary study which has not been systematically explored by climatologists and historians working together. Originally published in 1981. [...]
Not only is Stevenson's novel the inspiration for "The Incredible Hulk", but Alan Moore, writer/creator of the best-selling "Watchmen" graphic novel, enlisted Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in his original graphic novel series, "The League of Extraordinary Gentleman", thus making this CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED [...]
Focuses on applied space system engineering of crewed missions and systems. This process oriented book is intended to help you conceptually design end-to-end human space missions.[...]
Core Concepts of Accounting captures the full text (but not the programmed approach) of Essentials of Accounting, while including important accounting concepts and terms.[...]
Written by recognized experts in their respective fields, the books of the Series in Specialty Competencies in Professional Psychology are comprehensive, up-to-date, and accessible. These volumes offer invaluable guidance to not only practicing mental health professionals, but those training for spe[...]
"Transforming Culture "offers a discussion and exploration of American work culture that can serve as a guide for organizational-culture change through the description and explanation of a model for change used at General Motors. The book describes this model, discusses a set of culture-change tools[...]
Characteristics of Games offers a new way to understand games: by focusing on certain traits--including number of players, rules, degrees of luck and skill needed, and reward/effort ratio--and using these characteristics as basic points of comparison and analysis. These issues are often discussed by[...]
A brilliant debut mystery in a classic vein: Detective Cormoran Strike investigates a supermodel's suicide.
After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator. Strike is down to one client, and creditors are calling. He has also ju[...]
A brilliant debut mystery in a classic vein: Detective Cormoran Strike investigates a supermodel's suicide.
After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator. Strike is down to one client, and creditors are calling. He has also ju[...]
This money-saving package includes the 10th edition of Kacmarek: Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care - Textbook and Workbook.[...]
This valuable, money-saving package includes Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 9th edition, Workbook for Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, and Mosby's Respiratory Care Online for Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care (User Guide and Access Code).[...]