"My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me." Winston Churchill
"I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her." Rodney Dangerfield"[...]
Offers practical insights to take you through the challenging process of business partnering, including: a description of what business partnering entails; coverage of the common challenges and advice on how to overcome them; and, guidance on how to develop the skills and confidence required to work[...]
The scenario is all too common: Girl meets guy (or Guy meets girl). Guy is smart, charming, and maybe even endearing. Girl falls in love. As the relationship progresses Guy's serious personality problems begin to surface. She gets longer and more vivid glimpses of habits and tendencies she didn't no[...]
The second in the Bridge Mystery trilogy, this book is a mystery and a bridge textbook all in one. Based on the author's own experience and set in and around a Manhattan bridge club, the story includes many real-life bridge characters whose names may be familiar to readers.[...]
Delve into the dramatic impact Asperger Syndrome can have on the complex world of adult interpersonal relationships. Written by a psychologist who shares poignant true stories - based on her own life as well as the lives of her clients - the book focuses on how partners/spouses of someone with AS ca[...]
HIGHLIGHT A practical guide to messaging and integration with the Spring Integration framework. DESCRIPTION Spring Integration is a Java-based enterprise integration framework that provides a lightweight alternative to more traditional ESBs. By merging the "Enterprise Integration Patterns" outl[...]
What brings you joy? "To devote yourself to the creation and enjoyment of beauty, then, can be serious business--not always necessarily a means of escaping reality, but sometimes a means of holding on to the real when everything else is flaking away." Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love My femininity[...]
In the vein of inspirational bestsellers "Calling In the One" and "The Soulmate Secret" Julia Storm takes us on her real-life journey from 40, frustrated, single and losing hope to manifesting the relationship she'd always dreamed of. Harnessing the Power of Intention and The Law of Attraction and w[...]
To become a competent social worker, it is essential to know the perspective of the service users. Therefore, service users are more and more included in field research projects and the instruction of social workers-to-be. However, they are usually reduced to the role of informants and not actively [...]
"-Die Baukunst ist unteilbar. Denn sinnfallige Konstruktion und okologische Effizienz stehen bei jedem Bauwerk gleichberechtigt neben Funktionalitat und Gestaltungsanspruchen. Form und Tragwerk uberzeugen erst, wenn sie im Bauwerk zu einer Einheit verschmelzen, die nicht hinterfragt werden will und [...]
Klappentext: Jede dritte Ehe in der BRD zerbricht. Fast immer verspürt der verlassene Partner bis dahin noch nie erlebte seelische und körperliche Schmerzen, denen er sich hilflos ausgeliefert fühlt. Angst, Schuldgefühle, Selbstzweifel, Wut und Verzweiflung wechseln sich ab. Er glaubt, niemals m[...]
Boken gir en innføring i hvordan man best avler, oppdretter, rir inn, trener og lærer seg å ri på islandshest med hensyn til individets forutsetning for de ulike gangartene. Tølttrening, passtrening og konkurranseforberedelser er bare noen av temaene som berøres. Boken gir kunnskap og informas[...]
Hvorfor vil han aldri spørre om veien?
Hvorfor vil hun alltid snakke om forholdet?
Hvorfor utsettes kvinner oftere for depresjoner enn menn?
Hvorfor hører han aldri etter?
Hvordan kan menn og kvinner lære å kommunisere bedre?
Endelig en ny b[...]