If you are looking for God, or if you are a believer who feels something is missing, Joyce Meyer, #1 "New York Times" bestselling author, wants to show you how to achieve the profound joy that comes from a truly intimate relationship with God.
Using Scripture and powerful real-life examples, Jo[...]
In this complement to the bestselling "Battlefield of the Mind, " Meyer masterfully illustrates how three of the greatest men of the Bible--Jehosaphat, Gideon, and Elijah--came through their own time of crisis with victory by allowing God to fight their battles for them.[...]
One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope--the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With GET YOUR HOPES UP! Joyce will help readers achieve a l[...]
Coach, cheerleader, confidant, chef and chauffeur--the job description of a mom is as broad as the horizon. Perhaps this is why so many mothers deal with insecurity and uncertainty as they do their best to raise their children in a challenging and ever-changing world. If you've ever gone to bed disa[...]
In the hustle and bustle of today's busy world, sometimes it's hard enough to hear yourself think, much less take a minute to stop and listen for the voice of God. But learning to recognize God's voice and the many ways in which He speaks is vital for following His plan. In "How to Hear from God," J[...]
Las pruebas, las tribulaciones y los tiempos dificiles son parte de la vida de este mundo. No obstante, Dios nos ha provisto una manera de disfrutar de la paz como parte de la vida diaria. Podemos escoger entre permitir que las preocupaciones y el afan nos carguen o vivir en la paz y el disfrute que[...]
Discusses the need many people have for constant approval and affirmation and offers a supportive program, based on the security provided by faith in God, designed to help readers overcome the need for acceptance from the outside world.[...]
Los conflictos interpersonales estan causando dificultades y danos serios en nuestra vida. Sus efectos destructivos traen tension a los matrimonios, amargan a nuestros hijos y causan discordia en nuestras iglesias. Hasta en nuestro viajar diario camino al trabajo afrontamos hostilidad y agresion.
There is an epidemic of insecurity in society today. Many people suffer from an unhealthy need for affirmation. They are not capable of feeling good about themselves. For some the quest for approval becomes an actual addiction, as they seek self-worth from the outside world because they can't find i[...]
Sabias que la mente es un campo de batalla? Pues, si lo es. Seamos realistas: La adolescencia es una batalla constante, pero la batalla mas importante que libraras no sera en los pasillos de la escuela, las charlas por la internet, luego del baile de graduacion, ni en la sala de tu casa. La batalla [...]
Offers advice to readers on how to identify the telltale signs of trouble in a relationship, heal troubled relationships, and keep conflict out of their lives by following the biblical promises of peace and accord.[...]
Preocupacion, duda, ""depresion, enojo y sentimientos de condenacion: todos ellos son ataques a la mente. Si los lectores sufren de pensamientos negativos, pueden tomar aliento Joyce Meyer ha ayudado a millones de personas a ganar estas batallas tan importantes. En su exito de ventas mas popular, l[...]
When bestselling author Joyce Meyer posted "God's not mad at you" on Facebook, she didn't anticipate that her words would trigger thousands of responses of gratitude and relief. Apparently many Christians struggle to reconcile their perception of God as both a loving parent and a stern judge.
In [...]
La Palabra de Dios es un arma poderosa para impartir vida o muerte. No solo es suficiente dejar de declarar pensamientos negativos, sino que tambien es preciso hacer declaraciones positivas basadas en las Escrituras. Nuestra fe se activa cuando decidimos manifestar la Palabra de Dios. La Palabra es [...]
Para escribir esta serie la autora se baso en sus propias luchas y en como logro superar los diferentes desafios que ha afrontado en la vida. Presenta soluciones biblicas para los retos que todos hemos experimentando en algun momento dado, pues nadie esta exento de la tribulacion como bien dijo Jesu[...]
Para escribir esta serie la autora se baso en sus propias luchas y en como logro superar los diferentes desafios que ha afrontado en la vida. Presenta soluciones biblicas para los retos que todos hemos experimentando en algun momento dado, pues nadie esta exento de la tribulacion como bien dijo Jesu[...]
Why Is Life So Difficult?Interpersonal conflict is causing serious damage and difficulties in our lives. Its destructive effects are straining marriages, embittering our children, and causing discord in our churches--even our daily commute is often affected by hostility and aggression. What if thing[...]