How to Read - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: How to Read
Visar Resultat (151-175)
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  1. How to Read Theology

    ISBN: 9780801049750 - UTGIVEN: 2018-06

    This handy, accessible introduction to reading theology helps readers engage doctrine critically and charitably. It serves as a primer to theological texts, offering practical guidelines for assessing theology and equipping the next generation of pastors and theologians to read theological literatur[...]

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    från 216.00 kr
  2. How to Read the Bible in Changing Times

    ISBN: 9780801072833 - UTGIVEN: 2011-08

    Many find it difficult to take words that were written thousands of years ago and apply them to twenty-first-century life in the Western world. How do we read God's unchanging Word in a world that is increasingly defined by change? How to Read the Bible in Changing Times shows everyday Christians h[...]

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    från 184.00 kr
  3. How to Read a Play (Häftad)

    ISBN: 9780802136299 - UTGIVEN: 1999-08

    How to Read a Play is an introductory guide to the art of translating the printed page of a play or screenplay into dramatic mental images; it has been a classic among actors, directors, and writers for the past twenty years. Now fully updated and revised, the books devotes a chapter exclusively to [...]

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    från 139.00 kr
  4. How to Read a Painting: Lessons from the Old Masters (Inbunden)


    Patrick de Rynck, Patrick Rynck, Patrick De Rynck

    ISBN: 9780810955769 - UTGIVEN: 200412

    An anecdotal reference to the symbolism and themes of more than 150 key works of art shares background information about the theology, mythology, and folklore of the Renaissance era that shaped the works of such masters as Giotto, Botticelli, and Vermeer. 15,000 first printing.[...]

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    från 366.00 kr
  5. How to Read Italian Renaissance Painting (Häftad)


    Stefano Zuffi

    ISBN: 9780810989405 - UTGIVEN: 201003

    Filled with great masterpieces by such artists as Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Mantegna, and Titian, "How to Read Italian Renaissance""Painting "takes the reader into their world. As in the internationally successful and innovative "How to Read a Pain[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  6. How to Read the New Testament (Häftad)


    Etienne Charpentier

    ISBN: 9780824505417 - UTGIVEN: 198210

    Provides introductions to each book, reviews the geography and social conditions of the Holy Land, and examines the style and structure of the Scriptures[...]

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    från 185.00 kr
  7. How to Read Superhero Comics and Why

    ISBN: 9780826414199 - UTGIVEN: 2002-09

    Superhero comic books are traditionally thought to have two distinct periods, two major waves of creativity: the Golden Age and the Silver Age. In simple terms, the Golden Age was the birth of the superhero proper out of the pulp novel characters of the early 1930s, and was primarily associated with[...]

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    från 336.00 kr
  8. How To Read Texts (Pocket)


    Neil Mccaw

    ISBN: 9780826492883 - UTGIVEN: 2008-03-20

    One of the biggest problems for lecturers teaching beginning literature students is increasing their confidence in their own critical ability. This book offers a solution by improving students' understanding of critical concepts and approaches and giving practice, and increased confidence, in readin[...]

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    från 211.00 kr
  9. How to Read Exodus (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780830838585 - UTGIVEN: 2009-09

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    från 182.00 kr
  10. How to Read Job (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780830840892 - UTGIVEN: 2015-11

    We often turn to the book of Job when we encounter suffering. We look for an explanation for the questions "Why me?" or "Why her?" But what if it turns out that although Job does suffer, the book is not really about his suffering? If ever a book needed a "How to Read" instruction manual, it is the b[...]

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    från 201.00 kr
  11. How to Read Churches: A Crash Course in Ecclesiastical Architecture (Häftad)


    Denis McNamara

    ISBN: 9780847835980 - UTGIVEN: 2011-04

    Small enough to fit in a pocket yet serious enough to provide real answers, this primer is a must-have for architecture and history buffs, tourists, and churchgoers interested in decoding the styles and symbols of religious buildings. Every building contains clues embedded in its design that identif[...]

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    från 232.00 kr
  12. How to Read Fashion: A Crash Course in Styles, Designers, and Couture (Häftad)


    Fiona Ffoulkes

    ISBN: 9780847839926 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    This stylishly illustrated guide parses the visual vocabulary to understand, investigate, and interpret seminal fashions and styles. The perfect companion for fashionistas and anyone interested in a better understanding of how fashions and styles evolve, this is the first book of its kind aimed at a[...]

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    från 140.00 kr
  13. Body Language: Learn how to read others and communicate with confidence in (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780857087041 - UTGIVEN: 2016-07

    What does your body language say about you? From strangers on the street, to your closest friends and family even if you're not speaking, you're saying a lot with your body. Body Language explores the way we use our bodies to communicate, the way we hold ourselves, the way we sit, stand, and point o[...]

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    från 117.00 kr
  14. How to Read Cosmodynes (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780866900737 - UTGIVEN: 2009-08

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    från 135.00 kr
  15. How to Read Proverbs (Häftad)

    ISBN: 9780877849421 - UTGIVEN: 2002-09

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    från 182.00 kr
  16. How to Read Genesis (Häftad)


    Tremper, III Longman

    ISBN: 9780877849438 - UTGIVEN: 200505

    Honored in 2006 as a "Year's Best Book for Preachers" by Preaching magazine. Creation in six days Woman from the side of man "Sons of god" taking "daughters of men" A massive disaster and an animal rescue boat of biblical proportions Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and the ongoing saga of a dysfunctional fami[...]

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    från 139.00 kr
  17. How to Read the Aura and Practice Psychometry, Telepathy & Clairvoyance (Pocket)


    Walter Ernest Butler, W. E. Butler, Walter Ernest Butler

    ISBN: 9780892817054 - UTGIVEN: 199802

    Renowned parapsychologist W. E. Butler outlines simple procedures to develop, perfect, and control the four basic psychic powers that we all possess.Outlines techniques and tools, using the strength of intuition, for self-transformation on a deep levelOpens the path toward a lifetime of psychic expl[...]

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    från 129.00 kr
  18. How to Read Signs and Omens in Everyday Life

    ISBN: 9780892819010 - UTGIVEN: 2001-10

    In this fascinating and enlightening guide, historian and psychic Sarvananda Bluestone shows us how our innate knowledge can be rediscovered, allowing us to become far more in tune with our surroundings than we ever dreamed possible. He teaches us to use everyday objects and the wonders of nature as[...]

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    från 162.00 kr
  19. How to Read Your Opponents' Cards

    ISBN: 9780910791809 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01

    World champion Mike Lawrence teaches you the critical skill of card location in contract bridge: how to determine which cards your opponents are holding based on what they did or didn't bid and what theyve led or havent led. Learn to spot and interpret clues from the opening bid on. He tells you wha[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 176.00 kr