Doreen Virtue has taught her Angel Therapy Practitioner[registered] course since 1997, helping thousands to learn the skills of spiritual healing and psychic readings in concert with the angels and archangels. Now, she has amassed the tools, secrets and exercises that she teaches her students in a c[...]
Archangel Michael is a powerful protector who helps everyone who calls upon him. In this enlightening work, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere.[...]
Following on from the successful "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children", this is Doreen Virtue's first book on Crystal Children. These kids are like Indigos - highly psychic and sensitive - but without the dark edge and the anger energy. Crystal Children are beautiful inside and out - one look in[...]
"Mary, Queen of Angels" is a non-denominational book that follows in the successful vein of two of Doreen Virtue's previous works, "The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael" and "The Miracles of Archangel Michael". Within these pages, Doreen brings forth a collection of true stories from people who[...]
Do people take advantage of your niceness? In this groundbreaking book, Doreen Virtue teaches Earth Angels (lightworkers and highly sensitive people) how to maintain their inner peace and loving nature while holding boundaries with others. You'll discover how to overcome fears about saying no, and h[...]
Legions of loving and trustworthy archangels watch over us, and you can develop an even closer relationship with them by learning their names and specialities. In this uplifting non-denominational CD, Doreen Virtue guides you in connecting with her 15 favourite archangels; and you'll read true stori[...]
Archangel Raphael is the angel most closely associated with healing, known throughout the world for his miraculous powers and ability to help those in need. Whether you wish to protect and heal yourself, your family, your clients or your friends, Raphael will always be close by once you seek him out[...]
"Mary, Queen of Angels" is a non-denominational book that follows in the successful vein of two of Doreen Virtue's previous works, "The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael" and "The Miracles of Archangel Michael". Within these pages, Doreen brings forth a collection of true stories from people who[...]
If you are frustrated by unmanageable food cravings, this is the book that can finally help you reduce or eliminate them! In this book, you will learn how to interpret and resolve your cravings for chocolate, crisps, burgers, bread, cheese, ice cream and many other foods. Doctor of psychology and au[...]
You deserve to have a rich life full of fun, relaxation, prosperity and love and it can start right now! Do you struggle to fit all you want into your day? Are you tired of juggling multiple responsibilities, with not much to show for all your hard work? Bestselling author and therapist Doreen Virtu[...]
Concerned with both global and individual problems, this practical guide on peace includes thoughts, meditations, and prayers.[...]
Warum du nie alleine bist ...
Und es gibt sie doch: Schutzengel, die unsere Bitten wahrnehmen und sie oft auf überraschende Weise beantworten; geheimnisvolle Helfer - zuweilen sogar in irdischer Gestalt -, die uns in Gefahr, Not und Verzweiflung zur Seite stehen.
Die Engele[...]
Kristall-Kinder haben eine schillernde Aura und man erkennt sie an ihren großen Augen. Sie sind höchst sensitiv und medial begabt und haben eine wichtige Lebensaufgabe. Während die Indigo-Kinder eher kämpferisch veranlagt und handlungsorientiert sind, zeigen sich die Kristall-Kinder sanft und ge[...]
Med utgangspunkt i sin egen livshistorie og gjenoppvekkingen av hennes egne oversanselige evner, har forfatteren skrevet en brukerveiledning for en rekke ulike healingmetoder, som å avlese fortid, nåtid og fremtid på energiplanet, psykisk kommunikasjon, manifestasjon, påkalle engler og åpne det[...]
Denne boka presenterer et nyttig analyseverktøy for å forstå sammenhengen mellom innhold, form og formål i disse sammensatte tekstene. Med utgangspunkt i blant annet underholdningsmedier, politiske videoer og ikoniske skilt utarbeider Bjørg Hellum her en holistisk modell som får fram sider ved[...]
Med utgangspunkt i sin egen livshistorie og gjenoppvekkingen av hennes egne oversanselige evner, har forfatteren skrevet en brukerveiledning for en rekke ulike healingmetoder, som å avlese fortid, nåtid og fremtid på energiplanet, psykisk kommunikasjon, manifestasjon, påkalle engler og åpne det[...]
Har du nogensinde fået uventet og overraskende hjælp i en kritisk situation? Hvis svaret er ja, har du måske haft besøg af en engel.
Flere og flere, deriblandt USA´s førende engleekspert, Doreen Virtue, oplever, at vi alle er omgivet af kærlige og kraftfulde engle, de[...]
Engle har altid været symbol på åndelighed og en anden dimension, og for nogle mennesker er engle en realitet, de lever med i hverdagen.Doreen Virtue er en af dem, der har levet med engle hele sit liv. Hun formidler englenes visdom om og forståelse af menneskelivet i alle dets aspekter v[...]
När Doreen Virtue besökte den grekiska ön Santorini blev hon kontaktad av en grupp kraftfulla änglar som kallade sig Atlantis änglar. Därefter började ett fantastiskt, andligt äventyr där hon upptäckte hemligheterna bakom de läkningstempel som fanns i den förlorade civilisationen Atlanti[...]
Författaren Doreen Virtue har haft kontakt med änglar i hela sitt liv. Som barn såg hon dem som dansande lysande färger när hon kände sig ensam, ledsen eller rädd. Det enda hon förstod om änglar då var att de är lugnande och tröstande. Änglarna hjälper oss människor, oavsett vad vi t[...]