The aggressive poaching of rhinos needs to be countered with equal aggression. So argued Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the founder president of the World Wide Fund for nature (WWF), at a 1987 meeting with John Hanks, conservation expert and WWF's head in Africa. The result was Operation lock, [...]
Sean Malone is a horny college student with good looks, a buff body and a secret fantasy to be dominated by a beautiful woman. He spends hours entertaining himself with femdom porn and fantasizing about his dream Domme. One day, while checking his email, he finds one from a mystery woman, along with[...]
Peter Fronteddu und Stefan Steigerwald zeigen Ihnen in diesem Workshopband:
- wie man ein Klappmesser mit Liner-Lock-Arretierung konstruiert
- wie man eine Funktionsschablone herstellt
- wie man die einzelnen Bauteile anfertigt
- wie man daraus ein komplettes Messer macht
- wie man [...]
Kjell Bjørner er født 15-8-1925 i Oslo. Ferdig utdannet som tannlege ved Tufts College Dental School, Boston U.S.A. i 1949. Han startet egen privatpraksis i Oslo som tannlege. Etter flere år fattet han interesse for kjeveledds-problemer, men ble aldri tilfreds med hva faglitteraturen hadde komm[...]
This book offers an aesthetic account of intellectual property rights as they concern works of art and literature. The thesis begins with a comparison of British copyright and French droit d'auteur, and goes through a historical survey of licenses and printing privileges in both countries, including[...]
Beskrivelse udarbejdet af Dansk Bibliotekscenter: Gennem interviews med fire tidligere deltagere af reality-shows fortæller forfatterne om at bruge reality-shows til at skabe og iscenesætte sig selv[...]