Kesän ehdoton sarjakuvatapaus on suomennosvalikoima Ekoloogiset ranskalaisen Cyril Pedrosan kahdesta omaelämäkerrallisesta albumista. Pedrosa kuvaa hauskasti ja itseironisesti tiedostavaa ekohenkistä perhettä, joka ostaa reilun kaupan tavaraa, haaveilee maallemuutosta, valitsee mieluummin nuhru[...]
The story of an Englishman who lived through the last years of the Qing dynasty, was trapped in the British Legation during the Boxer uprising and went on to occupy a number of senior positions in the Imperial Customs as Commissioner of Customs in various ports, Shanghai Postmaster and first Directo[...]
Continuing in the distinguished tradition of "Hotspots", Conservation International offers here a new, lushly illustrated volume that examines transboundary conservation areas - environmentally endangered regions that sprawl across international borders and contain multiple protected areas. Recent s[...]