Translator Christopher Blum has selected from the voluminous works of Bishop Jacques-B nigne Bossuet (1627-1704) fifty brief but remarkably powerful Lenten meditations, arranged them according to the events reported in the Gospels, and lovingly translated each one for us.[...]
In the mid-1920s, young children began to vanish from neighborhoods around New York City. It took the police a decade to find their abductor, an unassuming 64-year-old handyman named Albert Fish. Fish had committed crimes of unspeakable horror: He had not only abducted and murdered the children, but[...]
Die erfolgreiche Reihe der Oldenbourg Interpretationen umfasst alle Epochen und Gattungen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf aktuellen Titeln der Gegenwartsliteratur, die für den Deutschunterricht entdeckt werden. Lehrern und Schülern bietet die Reihe über 100 sorgfältig aufbereitete [...]
Introduces the use of enzymes for fast and efficient decontamination of B/C weapons in various scenarios, including terrorist attacks. This work draws on the internationally recognized technological leadership of the German armed forces.[...]
Die erfolgreiche Reihe der Oldenbourg Interpretationen umfasst alle Epochen und Gattungen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf aktuellen Titeln der Gegenwartsliteratur, die für den Deutschunterricht entdeckt werden. Lehrern und Schülern bietet die Reihe über 100 sorgfältig aufbereitete [...]
Written in a clear pedagogic style, this book deals with the application of density matrix theory to atomic and molecular physics. The aim is to precisely characterize sates by a vector and to construct general formulas and proofs of general theorems. The basic concepts and quantum mechanical fundam[...]
Mit über 100.000 verkauften Exemplaren hat sich das Runen-Set als Longseller etabliert. Nun erscheint das Set in neuer Ausstattung zum günstigeren Preis: 25 Runensteine mit Benutzer-Handbuch und Samtbeutel, verpackt in einer stabilen Box mit Sichtfenster, durch das man die Runen von auÃen s[...]
Steeped in photographic tradition, Sylvie Blum has worked with such iconic artists as Helmut Newton, Andreas H. Bitesnich, and Gunter Blum. With exacting attention to lighting she bathes the studio in a gentle glow. Her technique and composition are remarkable, yet her endearing and fun-filled perso[...]
One big slice of cheesecake. Pin-up travels the long road from barracks wall to high art. In the 15 years since TASCHEN released The Great American Pin-up, international interest in this distinctly American art form has increased exponentially. Paintings by leading artists such as Alberto Vargas, Ge[...]
Zdes stolko igr i nakleek... Eto nastojaschee volshebstvo!
Anna Schlemmer har i 50 år nektet å fortelle om opplevelsene sine i Tyskland under den annen verdenskrig. Hun og datteren hennes Trudy bodde i en liten landsby ikke langt fra konsentrasjonsleiren Buchenwald, men Trudy var bare tre år gammel da hun og moren ble reddet av en amerikansk soldat og bl[...]
På 55 kapitel och 540 sidor tar författaren (som tidigare arbetat vid det amerikanska utrikes-departementet) upp alla större internationella konflikter som USA har varit inblandat i sedan andra världskriget: Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua med flera. Reaktionen i pressen? Inte mer än några få missf[...]