I 2013 udgav Informations Forlag det ene af den skotske filosof og økonom Adam Smiths hovedværker Nationernes velstand, i 2014 kommer det andet: Teorien om de moralske følelser, der er et mindre, men lige så vigtigt moralfilosofisk hovedværk om menneskets følelsesliv og dømmekraft. Teorien om[...]
Adam Smith - moralfilosof og økonom er en idehistorisk diskussion af Adam Smiths to hovedværker - Nationernes Velstand og Teorien om de moralske følelser - og den filosofiske tradition, som værkerne udspringer af og taler op imod.
Bogens hensigt er at sammenfatte de væsentlige indsigter[...]
Om den skotske filosofen Adam Smith (1723-90,)national-ekonomins fader med en laissez-faire-attityd till marknaden. Här behandlas hans verk, hans omväxlande liv och hans författarskap.
Denna titel har tidigare givits ut av SNS förlag men ingår numera i Studentlitteraturs sortiment.
Hur ska vi få Sveriges ekonomi att växa? I centrum för boken står de stora omvälvningar som just nu pågår i världen. På många håll hävdar man att vad vi nu bevittnar är en kris för kapitalismen eller för marknadsekonomin. Samtidigt flyttas tyngdpunkten i den globala ekonomin öster[...]
With Foreword by Michael PorterFollowing the success of the First Edition published in 2000, this extended edition of From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory provides a thorough explanation of the evolution of international competitiveness theories and their economic a[...]
Flickering Empire tells the fascinating yet little-known story of how Chicago served as the unlikely capital of American film production in the years before the rise of Hollywood (1907-1913). As entertaining as it is informative, Flickering Empire straddles the worlds of academic and popular nonfic[...]
This new interpretation of the causes, course and consequences of America's greatest crisis combines a clear and compelling narrative with analysis and an up-to-date assessment of the state of Civil War scholarship. It explores the complex relationships between the local and national contexts, betwe[...]
How do landscapes - defined in the broadest sense to incorporate the physical contours of the built environment, the aesthetics of form, and the imaginative reflections of spatial representations - contribute to the making of politics? Shifting through the archaeological, epigraphic, and artistic re[...]
By introducing each step taken in a criminal investigation, this text allows students to gain a clear understanding of the processes involved and helps them to critically assess the interplay of investigations, criminology and forensics.[...]
This book is a lucid and practical guide to understanding the core skills and issues involved in the criminal investigation process. Guiding students through a mock criminal investigation, each chapter introduces a layer of the crime scene and an investigative activity to allow students to develop a[...]
Adam Smith's masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism.[...]
This book incorporates a basic introduction to studying palnning, a how to for students to develop a relevant set of skills to succeed in their degree[...]
The Terminators never sleep. They don't need food or water. The heat of the desert gives them no pause. The darkness of night does not halt their deadly gaze. Bullets won't stop them. Their humanity cannot be appealed to - because they have none. Sent from the future, their mission is clear and unre[...]
Adam Smith revolutionized economic theory with his 1776 work An Inquiry to the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. He proposed rules governing labor, supply, and demand; and describes division of labor, stockpiling of wealth, lending, and interest. Smith also discusses how economies lead to [...]
At the outbreak of World War II, only 111 Squadron and a handful of others were equipped with the Hurricane. Thanks to sudden massive orders and a well-organized Hawker sub-contracting production to Gloster and General Aircraft, more squadrons rapidly became operational. Cutting their teeth during t[...]