'Each of these little books is witty and dramatic and creates a sense of time, place, and character...I cannot think of a better way to introduce oneself and oneOs friends to Western civilization.'_Katherine A. Powers, Boston Globe. 'Well-written, clear and informed, they have a breezy wit about th[...]
Please visit www.ArcManor.com to for other works by this and other authors.
Bertrand Russell changed Western philosophy forever. He tackled many puzzles--how our minds work, how we experience the world, and what the true nature of meaning is. In "Introducing Bertrand Russell "we meet a passionate eccentric, active in world politics, who had outspoken views on sex, marriage,[...]
First published in 1930, The Conquest of Happiness is a guide to living a happy life; a self-help classic written for an era when people were more practical and less self-obsessed than today. It addresses a fundamental question - how can we be happy? - not by asking readers to overthink the problem,[...]
Hvorfor jeg ikke er kristen samler Bertrand Russells mest kjente essays om religion og livssyn. Her diskuterer han temaer som aldri mister aktualitet - blant annet udødelighet, moral, spørsmålet om religion kan kurere våre problemer og Guds eksistens. Bertrand Russell ble belønnet med Nobelpr[...]