Adventure is in Tory Brennan's blood. After all, she's the grandniece of world-famous forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan. Always up for a challenge, Tory and her science-geek friends spend their time exploring the marshlands of Loggerhead Island, home to the very off-limits Loggerhead Island[...]
For a decade, Temperance Brennan has been haunted by the one who got away. The killer of young women. The monster. And the one who has now come back. Feeding on fear, grief and rage. Killing again. Killing girls. Getting closer. Coming for Tempe.[...]
When forensic anthropologist Dr Tempe Brennan is approached by amateur detective Hazel 'Lucky' Strike, at first she is inclined to dismiss the woman's claims that she's matched a previously unidentified set of remains with a name.[...]
Det ser ut som om den døde mannen har begått selvmord, men slektningene hans nekter for at han kan ha tatt livet av seg selv. Han blei oppdaget i et skap etter ei uke, så liket er nesten ugjenkjennelig. Dr. Temperance Brennans medisinske ekspertise er påkrevet, og mens hun jobber med å finne d�[...]
Sommaren 1982 härjade maskerade milismän i en guatemaltekisk by. Kvinnor våldtogs, barn slaktades. Rättsantropologen Tempe Brennan från Montreal hjälper sina kollegor i Guatemala att identifiera kvarlevorna av tjugotre offer. I Guatemala City gör samtidigt polisen ett maka-bert fynd. I en sep[...]
Innehåller EU:s mervärdesskattedirektiv (2006/112/EG), direktiv om återbetalning till beskattningsbara personer från annat medlemsland och trettonde direktivet samt rådets förordning om tillämpningsföreskrifter för mervärdesskattedirektivet. Innehåller även viss övrig EU-rättslig lagst[...]
TV-sarjasta Bones tutuksi tullut kuolinsyyntutkija Temperance Brennan saapuu joulukuun ankeudessa Montréaliin todistaakseen asiantuntijana murhaoikeudenkäynnissä. Ennen oikeudenkäyntiä Brennan tekee vanhan pizzerian rottia vilisevässä kellarissa kauhistuttavan löydön: pimeydessä lepäävä[...]
Kanadan Acadiasta löytyy nuoren tytön luuranko, jonka tutkimukset tempaavat Tempe Brennanin mukaan rikosvyyhteen, joka on kaukana tavanomaisesta. Myös Tempen lapsuusajan paras ystävä katosi samallaalueella vuosikymmeniä sitten, eikä muistojen valtaan joutuva tutkija voi olla pohtimatta tapaus[...]
Tohtori Temperance Brennan uskoo tehneensä virheen. Hän on suostunut vetämään Columbian yliopiston kesäkurssia kaivauksilla Deweessä, Charlestonissa. Muutama viikko rannalla makaamista ja tuplapalkka - mitä muuta ihminen voisi haluta? Kurssi on juuri lopuillaan, Temperance venyttelee kärsiv[...]
Tempe Brennan -jännäri! Isonrokon aikaan Kanadassa vaikutti suuri hyväntekijä, sisar Élisabeth. Sata vuotta myöhemmin hänen hautarauhaansa häiritään...[...]
Kauhu kytee trillerissä, jossa antropologi, "kuoleman käsityöläinen" Temperance Brennan törmää moottoripyöräjengin kavaliin rikoksiin.[...]
When Dr Temperance Brennan is accused of mishandling the autopsy of a missing heiress, a routine case swiftly turns sinister. But before Tempe can get to the one man with the information she needs, he turns up dead. In Montreal, three elderly women are found murdered, their bodies brutally discarded[...]
Illuminated by lightning, a lifeless human hand seems to reach from a barrel of asphalt beside the Charlotte racetrack. Forensic anthropologist Dr Tempe Brennan must find answers before thousands arrive for the year's big race. But before she can carry out a proper examination, the FBI mysteriously [...]
Features heart - stopping forensic action with a lethal twist. The Virals' home on Loggerhead Island is under threat, and only one thing can save it: a lot of money. A 300 years-old legend Rumour has it, that notorious pirate Anne Bonny hid her treasure somewhere in Charleston in 1720. Will the Vira[...]
'Death by self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head' is the initial assessment, but the victim's relatives are adamant that this was not suicide. Extreme heat has accelerated decomposition, and Dr Temperance Brennan's forensic expertise is required. Even for her, it is virtually impossible to determi[...]
Dr Temperance Brennan and her students are working on a site of prehistoric graves on an island near Charleston, South Carolina, when a decomposing body is uncovered in a shallow grave off a lonely beach. The bone is fresh and the remains are still topped by wisps of hair - it's a recent burial, and[...]
Tory Brennan - great niece of Dr Temperance Brennan - and the Virals return for their most terrifying adventure yet. Life appears peaceful on Loggerhead Island - rescued from financial disaster, the research institute is flourishing once more.[...]