In "Pride and Prejudice", Jane Austen presented Elizabeth's thoughts and actions while Darcy appears only when in conversation with Elizabeth. This unique sequel offers an original story while also reversing that perspective so as to present Darcy's actions and his thoughts on their romance. When an[...]
This is the greatest literary love story of all time, transformed into a heart-pounding vampire tale of romance, lust, and danger. In Austen's original novel, Darcy and Elizabeth are compelled to overcome countless obstacles - but that's nothing compared to what they face in "Darcy's Hunger". This i[...]
HAPPILY MARRIED for over a year and more in love than ever, Darcy and Elizabeth can't imagine anything interrupting their bliss-filled days. Then an intense snowstorm strands a group of travelers at Pemberley, and terrifying accidents and mysterious deaths begin to plague the manor. Everyone seems c[...]
THE DARCYS AND THE BENNETS CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLEY: A PRIDE & PREJUDICE HOLIDAY SEQUEL Darcy has invited the Bennets and the Bingleys to spend the Christmastide's festive days at Pemberley. But as he and Elizabeth journey to their estate to join the gathered families, a blizz[...]
A thrilling story of murder and betrayal filled with the scandal, wit, and intrigue characteristic of Austen's classic novels
Fitzwilliam Darcy is devastated. The joy of his recent wedding has been cut short by the news of the sudden death of his father's beloved cousin, Samuel Darcy. El[...]
The day the First World War broke out, Alfie Summerfield's father promised he wouldn't go away to fight--but he broke that promise the following day. Four years later, Alfie doesn't know where his father might be, other than that he's away on a special, secret mission. Then, while shining shoes at K[...]
Before Sherlock Holmes formed his longstanding alliance with the imitable Dr Watson, one of his earliest investigations was alongside the future President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. These stalwart companions must together solve a most complicated case that could herald the death of th[...]
The High School outsider takes off her glasses, puts on a dress, and becomes the Prom Queen; the dowdy woman has her hair done, buys some chic new clothes and starts to attract the men. Cinderella and Pygmalion stories still provide inspiration for the plots of Hollywood romantic comedies, dramas, a[...]
Leopold Sedar Senghor (1906-2001) was a Senegalese poet and philosopher who in 1960 also became the first president of the Republic of Senegal. In "African Art as Philosophy", Souleymane Bachir Diagne takes a unique approach to reading Senghor's influential works, taking as the starting point for hi[...]
Oh, wie köstlich! Ein Bilderbuch für alle, die Bücher verschlingen Henry liebt Bücher. Aber nicht so wie die meisten Kinder. Nein - Henry mag Bücher zum Fressen gern! Und das Beste daran ist, dass er umso klüger wird, je mehr Bücher er isst. Darum verschlingt Henry ganz viele davon, bis ihm [...]
Boken presenterer verktøy som kan hjelpe deg å takle situasjoner som er vanskelige - for eksempel å snakke i forsamlinger, å bli alene, å skifte jobb eller be om lønnsøkning.[...]
Vilfred har en elg, der heder Marcel. Eller har han? Marcel er i hvert fald ikke helt overbevist, og Vilfred har svært ved at opdrage den. Til sidst må Vilfred indse, at han muligvis nok ikke kan eje elgen, og de to indgår en aftale, som de begge kan leve med ...[...]
Hver gang vi tager en chance og vover os ind på ukendt territorium, oplever vi frygt. Meget ofte forhindrer denne frygt os i at komme videre i livet.
Vores manglende evne til at håndtere frygten kan føles som et psykologisk problem, men er i virkeligheden et spørgsmål om at træne s[...]
Selvtillid er at vide, at der inden i dig findes uhyre mængder styrke og kærlighed, så du kan skabe alt hvad du overhovedet har brug for her i livet.
Problemet er at vi alt for ofte synes at glemme det. Denne lille bog om selvtillid skal være en stadig påmindelse om det. Du kan tage den[...]
Allting började när Floyds drake fastnade i ett träd ...
En charmigt knasig berättelse om envishet och uppfinningsrikedom (och hur man löser ett problem genom att kasta saker på det). Den prisbelönte bilderboksmakaren och konstnären Oliver Jeffers har varit med på The Times lista[...]