The king of plams. This is Martius' magnificent work on the varieties of palm tree. On 15 December 1868, Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, Professor of Botany at the University of Munich and director of the Royal Botanic Garden, was carried to his grave in a coffin covered with fresh palm leaves. [...]
Boken er en innføring i jazzens historie. Den skildrer hvordan møtet mellom afrikanske og europeiske musikktradisjoner skapte nye uttrykksformer. Den gir en beskrivelse av ulike stilarter og hva som kjennetegner dem, og trekker frem noen av jazzhistoriens fremste utøvere. Et eget kapittel present[...]
Den stilsikre duo, Ida Jessen og Hanne Bartholin, er tilbage med en ny serie CARL-bøger ? CARL for de mindste ? denne gang fortalt for de helt små. De forrige bøger er blevet rost til skyerne af både anmeldere og læsere, der elsker CARL og de genkendelige situationer og scener fra småbørns[...]
En pigg 100-åring jubilerar!
1911 grundade de två nationalekonomerna Eli Heckscher och Gösta Bagge en ny politisk tidskrift i Sverige. Det var så den liberalkonservativa tidskriften Svensk Tidskrift såg dagens ljus. Ett händelserikt sekel kom att ge underlag för en samhällskritik [...]
Magdalena satt i mitten med de unga männen på var sin sida. Erik märkte att Jaromir var upphetsad, han hade aldrig sett honom på det viset förut, kamraten andades tungt och fort, och rodnade lite. Jaromir gick upp på huk och viskade:
- Får jag smeka dig?
Magdalena svarade inte, [...]
Föreställningen om att människan har
en dold insida som bär på sanningen om
hennes väsen är en av de mest seglivade
i den västerländska kulturen. Det parapornografiska
manifestet är en rasande,
jublande uppgörelse med denna förestäl[...]
'Looking back at The Libertines is like catching flashes of sunlight between buildings as you race by on a train. An old film reel where the spools are weathered and worn, leaving empty frames on the screen!'[...]
What do we do when things go wrong in a fast world? Many of us go for the quick fix that delays the problem rather than solving it. To make real progress we need real solutions - we need to take time for THE SLOW FIX.[...]
What do we do when things go wrong? A quick fix can hide the problem rather than solve it. To make real progress we need to take time for the slow fix.[...]
What do we do when things go wrong in a fast world? Many of us go for the quick fix that delays the problem rather than solving it. To make real progress we need real solutions - we need to take time for THE SLOW FIX. People have long been in search of a quick fix. Truth is, it doesn't work. The pro[...]
The story of Emma and Carl Jung's highly unconventional marriage, their relationship with Freud, and their part in the early years of Psychoanalysis.[...]
The story of Emma and Carl Jung's highly unconventional marriage, their relationship with Freud, and their part in the early years of Psychoanalysis.[...]
Like the game of baseball, life is quirky and unpredictable, as Shane Hunter discovers when his father is accused of a crime. Shane's world is turned upside down, and he's not sure if he ever wants to--or even can--pitch again.[...]
We live in the age of speed. We strain to be more efficient, to cram more into each minute, each hour, each day. Since the Industrial Revolution shifted the world into high gear, the cult of speed has pushed us to a breaking point. Consider these facts: Americans on average spend seventy-two minutes[...]
Offering an expanded version of a landmark article that originally appeared in Foreign Affairs, the president of the Kauffman Foundation explores the dramatic influence of entrepreneurship, a quality embedded in the American way of life, on the global economy. 20,000 first printing.[...]