If Barack Obama is successful in his quest to become President of the United States, he will dramatically change the face that his country presents to the world. This book discusses the importance of empathy in politics, his hopes for a different America with different policies, and how the ideals o[...]
The son of a black African father and a white American mother, Obama was only two years old when his father walked out on the family. Many years later, Obama receives a phone call from Nairobi: his father is dead. This sudden news inspires an emotional odyssey for Obama. This book illuminates Obama'[...]
With his second book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama shares personal views on faith and values and offers a vision of the future that involves repairing a "political process that is broken".[...]
The son of a black African father and a white American mother, Obama was only two years old when his father walked out on the family. Many years later, Obama receives a phone call from Nairobi: his father is dead. This sudden news inspires an emotional odyssey for Obama, determined to learn the trut[...]
Barack Obama reveals the real story of Obama's beginnings: child of a black man from Luoland and a white woman born in Kansas. At the heart of Obama's psyche and his political beliefs - and therefore his presidency - is his life-long struggle to understand the extreme duality of his identity. Marani[...]
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary graded material that stimulates students. This biography tells the story of the world's most famous president; from his schooldays in Hawaii and Indonesia, to his time as a community activist in Chicago[...]
"Barack Obama: The Movement for Change" tells the story of a visionary leader who refuses to be limited by America's history and determines instead to change it. His plan for change is the latest expression of a movement for justice: a movement that has swept forward with the collective energy of gr[...]
A journalistic investigation documenting the probable causes for the impeachment of President Barack Obama. In this devastating probe, New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott expose the high crimes, misdemeanors and other offenses that Obama has committed against the Uni[...]
This book is the compelling story of President Obama's domestic policy decisions made between September 2008 and his inauguration on January 20, 2009. Barack Obama determined the fate of his presidency before he took office. His momentous decisions led to Donald Trump, for Obama the worst person ima[...]
Time for Change Barack Obama hat als erster Afroamerikaner beste Chancen auf den Einzug ins Weiße Haus. Doch was steckt hinter diesem Mann mit dem Charisma eines Martin Luther King? Christian Blees zeichnet im Gespräch mit dem Obama-Experten Christoph von Marschall das Bild des Sohnes kenianisch-a[...]
Lorsqu''il vient chercher son prix Nobel de la paix a Oslo le 10 decembre 2009, le president americain Barack Obama, qui est le commandant en chef des troupes americaines, doit gerer deux guerres lancees par son predecesseur republicain, George W. Bush: celles d''Afghanistan et d''Irak. Or, depuis l[...]
President Barack Obama er en av USAs mest spennende politikere. I denne usentimentale og gripende selvbiografien, skrevet før hans politiske karriere startet, følger vi en ung mann med svart afrikansk far og hvit amerikansk mor som prøver å finne røttene sine og stake ut en kurs for resten av l[...]
Boken er beretningen om USAs utvikling fra å være en ny nasjonalstat i 1789, til å bli verdens eneste supermakt etter den kalde krigens slutt. Forfatteren portretterer alle de 42 presidentene i rekken og drøfter deres betydning i lys av USAs skiftende rolle i verdenssamfunnet. Med litteratur- og[...]
Allerede da han var liten gutt, visste Barack Hussein Obama at han var annerledes. Navnet hans var rart, og han ble ertet i skolegården. Han flyttet fra Hawaii til Indonesia og vokste opp med to krokodiller i en dam i hagen og en apekatt som kjæledyr. Som voksen ville han hjelpe de fattige i det v[...]
»Den måske mest velskrevne selvbiografi af en amerikansk politiker, der nogensinde er udgivet.«
- Time MagazineI disse usentimentale og gribende erindringer fortæller Barack Obama om sin opvækst og sit liv som barn af en sort far og en hvid mor - og om kampen for at finde s[...]
Barack Obama har allerede markeret sig som en af de bemærkelsesværdige personer i amerikansk politik i mange år. Mod til at håbe er Barack Obamas meget personlige og velskrevne refleksioner over familien, religion, race, værdier og USA´s rolle i verden, og han formulerer sine politiske visione[...]
I Min far hade en dröm berättar Barack Obama djupt personligt om sin uppväxt i ett USA som fortfarande präglades av raslagar. Berättelsen tar sin början när Barack Obama får reda på att hans far, som han aldrig lärt känna, har dött i en bilolycka. Faderns plötsliga död får honom att r[...]
I Min far hade en dröm berättar Barack Obama djupt personligt om sin uppväxt i ett USA som fortfarande präglades av raslagar. Berättelsen tar sin början när Barack Obama får reda på att hans far, som han aldrig lärt känna, har dött i en bilolycka. Faderns plötsliga död får honom att r[...]