When factory worker Pinquean Smallcreep, who has slotted a certain type of slot into a certain type of pulley for many years, packs his sandwiches and sets out on a journey to investigate what it is he is producing, his discoveries become increasingly more bizarre and disturbing. Peter Currell Brown[...]
This revised and updated edition of Ladybirds provides a succinct but comprehensive and accessible overview of the biology of ladybirds and their parasites, focusing on ecology in an evolutionary context. It provides the latest information, coverage of recent additions to the British list including [...]
Cyril Hellman träffade under en tioårsperiod i början av 00-talet några av världens främsta och mest betydelsefulla serietecknare, exklusiva möten som han som svensk journalist var ensam om. Här samlas för första gången ett urval av intervjuerna med de nordamerikanska serietecknarna, f[...]