"A History of Life in 100 Fossils" showcases 100 key fossils that together illustrate the evolution of life on earth. Iconic specimens have been selected from the renowned collections of the two premier natural history museums in the world, the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, and the Natural Hi[...]
Modern science can speak with authority regarding only a tiniest fraction of the earth's interior. We have, quite literally, scratched just the surface of our planet. Can we truly know what lies beneath our feet, in the unimaginably deep depths of the earth? Can the phenomenon of spiritual investiga[...]
Whether you're canvassing a congressional district, managing a sales region, mapping city bus schedules, or analyzing local cancer rates, thinking spatially opens up limitless possibilities for database users. PostGIS, a freely available open-source spatial database extender, can help you answer que[...]
A show challenging conventional understandings of public art, "Culture in Action" in Chicago had a new social agenda, and rethought what an exhibition of contemporary art might be. Through eight projects by artists initiated in the early 1990s and developed in collaboration with local people, the in[...]
Boken omhandler den norske sentralforvaltningens oppbygning og virkemåte, og gir i tillegg en innføring i norsk fylkeskommunal og kommunal forvaltning. Dessuten dekkes overnasjonal forvaltning og EU. Bokens målgrupper er primært studenter på de statsvitenskapelige og økonomisk-administrative f[...]
Organisationsteori är ett nödvändigt redskap för orientering i komplexa miljöer och för förståelse av de sociala system som exempelvis arbetsplatser och andra typer av organisationer utgör.
Introduktion till organisationsteori är en kortfattad grundbok i ä[...]
Under senare år har marxismen berikats med ekologiska tankegods, samtidigt som en bortglömd ekologisk sida hos Marx, Engels och den första generationens marxister har avtäckts. I denna volym publiceras sex av den ekologiska marxismens grundtexter[, skrivna av James O'Connor, Ted Benton, Kate Sop[...]