What was it like to live in Dublin in 1911? Who lived there? What work did they do? What big events happened that had everyone talking? How did the people get around? What did everyone read? Did religion play a big part of life? What did people do for fun? *** 100 years ago, Dublin, Ireland was on t[...]
The Visual Dictionary Design Box Set provides readers with an enhanced understanding of over 1000 professional design terms, illustrated with historical and contemporary examples throughout. These four books represent a comprehensive compendium of design terminology and will be useful to all designe[...]
"Det här är en utomordentligt bra handbok i Lösningsfokuserad coachning och ledarskap. Den förklarar tydligt hur du kan tillämpa den här bedrägligt ENKLA metoden när du vill hantera speciella förändringar eller utveckla organisationer i allmänhet."
Ben Furman, Helsingfors.
"Jag [...]