As a child he dreamt of changing South Africa; as a man he changed the world. Nelson Mandela spent his life battling apartheid and championing a peaceful revolution. He spent twenty-seven years in prison and emerged as the inspiring leader of the new South Africa. He became the country's first black[...]
Arrested in 1962 as South Africa's apartheid regime intensified its brutal campaign against political opponents, forty-four-year-old lawyer and African National Congress activist Nelson Mandela had no idea that he would spend the next twenty-seven years in jail. During his 10,052 days of incarcerati[...]
Steve Biko was an exceptional and inspirational leader, a pivotal figure in South African history. As a leading anti-apartheid activist and thinker, Biko created the Black Consciousness Movement, the grassroots organisation which would mobilise a large proportion of the black urban population. His d[...]
Anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist, Nelson Mandela's journey from political prisoner to president of South Africa is an incredible tale of triumph in the face of adversity. 2018 marks a hundred years since his birth. From artists to aviators and scientists to revolutionaries[...]
Anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist, Nelson Mandela's journey from political prisoner to president of South Africa is an incredible tale of triumph in the face of adversity. 2018 marks a hundred years since his birth. From artists to aviators and scientists to revolutionarie[...]
'In the Words of Nelson Mandela' is a unique collection of quotations from one of the most admired men on the planet.[...]
The Human Rights of Street and Working Children is a one-stop guide both for experienced advocates and for non-specialists in the field. The manual, which presents information in an accessible question-and-answer format, is divided into three sections for ease of reference. The first section defines[...]
Nelson Mandela was called a terrorist, forced into hiding, captured, threatened with the death penalty and eventually thrown into jail for twenty-seven years, but nothing could stop him from fighting to liberate his country from the evil of apartheid. A hero in the struggle against a terrible regime[...]
Nelson Mandela was the most important South African of the last one hundred years. This is a fascinating and informative biography charting Mandela's long fight against apartheid before becoming President of South Africa in 1994. REVISED AND UPDATED.[...]
Nelson Mandela was the most important South African of the last one hundred years. This is a fascinating and informative biography charting Mandela's long fight against apartheid before becoming President of South Africa in 1994. REVISED AND UPDATED.[...]
Wissen Sie, warum es einst der Giraffe für immer die Sprache verschlug? Der Elefant einen Rüssel trägt? Und wie es kam, dass die Katze zum Haustier wurde? Hinein in die Weite afrikanischer Steppen entführt der große alte Mann Südafrikas Nelson Mandela mit seinem Band >Meine afrikanischen Liebl[...]
Kaum ein anderer Politiker dieses Jahrhunderts symbolisierte in solchem Maße die Friedenshoffnungen der Menschheit und den Gedanken der Aussöhnung aller Rassen auf Erden wie der ehemalige südafrikanische Präsident und Friedensnobelpreisträger Nelson Mandela, dessen Rolle für seinen Kontinent m[...]
Nelson Mandela föddes 1918 i Sydafrika och dog, nästan hundra år senare, i samma land. Han var politikern, advokaten och statsmannen som hela livet kämpade för allas lika rättigheter. Engagemanget kostade honom hans frihet och han satt i fängelse i flera år. 1990 släpptes han och blev hela [...]
Nelson Mandela er av mange betraktet som en av de mest inspirerende og ikoniske skikkelsene i vår tid. Etter å ha skrevet ned tanker og hendelser, motgang og seiere, har han overlevert alle sine personlige papirer til Nelson Mandela Stiftelsen, og de gir et enestående innblikk i hans bemerkelsesv[...]
Etter løslatelsen fra fengselet, har Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela fremstått som en av verdens fremste ledere. I denne selvbiografien forteller han om oppvekst, ungdomstid og politisk bevissthet. Boka gir innblikk i hans liv som aktiv ANC-mann, fengslingen i 1964 og tiden han tilbragte i fengselet. De[...]
Friheltshelten som beundres av en hel verden Hvorfor er det slik at så mange av oss blir fylt av beundring og dyp respekt bare ved tanken på Nelson Mandela? Historien om ham er dramatisk. Han satt 27 år i fengsel fordi han kjempet mot apartheid og ønsket frihet og demokrati i Sør-Afrika. Han bl[...]
Eftertanker giver læseren adgang til privatmennesket bag den offentlige skikkelse: Gennem breve og optegnelser skrevet i de mørkeste stunder af Mandelas 27 år i fængsel samt kladden til en uudgivet fortsættelse af hans erindringsbog Vejen til frihed. På disse sider er han hverken et ikon elle[...]
Vejen til frihed er en af det 20. århundredes største selvbiografier.
Nelson Mandela fortæller her sin fantastiske livshistorie: om opvæksten i en traditionel afrikansk kultur, om årene i undergrundsbevægelsen, om det ubønhørlige liv bag tremmer i mere end et kvar[...]