This is a deck of 64 affirmation cards to help you develop your inner wisdom.
This is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide, set up in an A-Z format. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue, as well as the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.[...]
Louise L. Hay, the internationally renowned author and lecturer, brings you the companion book to her landmark bestseller, "You Can Heal Your Life". Here, Louise applies techniques of self-love and positive thinking to a wide range of topics that affect us all on a daily basis.[...]
This is a book of ideas to spark your own creative thinking process. It will give you an opportunity to see other ways to approach your experiences.[...]
For decades, bestselling author Louise Hay has transformed people's lives and health by teaching them to let go of limiting beliefs and create the life of their dreams. Now in this tour de force, 88-years-young Louise teams up with her go-to natural health and nutrition experts, Ahlea Khadro and Hea[...]
'Life loves you' is one of Louise Hay's best-loved affirmations. It is the heart thought that represents her life and her work. Together, Louise and Robert Holden look at what 'life loves you' really means - that life doesn't just happen to you; it happens for you. In a series of intimate and candid[...]
The guided meditations in this audio programme were created by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane to support you in changing your way of life to one that focuses on nourishing your body and treating it with love. They invite you to reconnect to nature and your body - and, most of all, to make[...]
In this powerful 2-CD lecture, Louise L. Hay discusses the profound emotional experiences that have shaped and altered her belief system - and reveals how you can also change your thinking ...and change your life! Louise explains how she evolved from a fearful, abused young woman without an ounce of[...]
"All is Well", the new book by celebrated authors Louise Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz, not only explores the medical science behind the affirmations in Louise Hay's international bestseller "You Can Heal Your Life", but also offers stories and practical advice for personal healing. Structured around sev[...]
"All is Well', the new audiobook by celebrated authors Louise Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz, not only explores the medical science behind the affirmations in Louise Hay's international bestseller "You Can Heal Your Life", but also offers stories and practical advice for personal healing. Structured aroun[...]
Renowned spiritual teacher Louise L. Hay joins forces with Cheryl Richardson to reveal their process for living an exceptional life. Travel with Louise and Cheryl throughout North America and Europe as they engage in a series of intimate conversations about their lives and how they've dealt with a v[...]
Louise L. Hay hat mit ihren Büchern Millionenvon Menschen in aller Welt angesprochen undihnen den Weg zu mehr Freude, Gesundheit undLebensglück gewiesen. Ebenso erfolgreich istinzwischen die neue Version ihrer Bücher als Kartenset. Das Artwork dazu wurde von fünf Künstlern gemeinsam entworfen u[...]
Ny serie - LYTT TIL LIVETHør sterke beretninger til ettertanke og inspirasjon. Bøkene er skrevet i fortellende form, og egner seg spesielt godt i lydformatet. Flere av forfatterne leser selv, og gjør innholdet ekstra medrivende.Rigmor Galtung gir depresjon et ansikt, og Arnhild Lauveng forteller [...]
Nøkkelordet er tilgivelse. For å komme videre i livet, må vi lære oss å tilgi og gi slipp på fortiden og gamle, negative mønstre.Louise L. Hays klassiker DU KAN HELBREDE DITT LIV kom ut allerede i 1984. Siden den gang har denne livsbejaende forfatteren gitt tusenvis av mennesker nytt håp og [...]
En liste med over 300 vanlige sykdommer og plager samt hvilke mentale tankemønstre som samsvarer med sykdommen.Forfatteren ønsker å sette deg i stand til å bidra til din egen helbredelsesprosess ved hjelp av en positiv, mental innstilling til deg selv og livet. Her listes opp, fra A til Å, prob[...]
Du har kraften i deg til å fri deg selv fra frykt og skyldfølelse, til å tillate deg selv å ha suksess og medgang, og til å overvinne de følelsesmessigebarrierene som hindrer deg i å føle kjærlighet til deg selv.Alle de ytre omstendighetene - skjebnen, de andre, uflaksen, hindringene - er u[...]