"Extraordinary, hypnotizing and disturbing tales."
A cultural history of Czechoslovakia, told through the stories of artists, writers, and performers whose lives were completely and often strangely altered by the various pressures of the times.
The story of Eduard Kirchberger is one of the f[...]
A boy watches his mother hooked and reeled ashore by a fisherman. A couple give up their seats on a bus for lovers soon to be parted. A husband enters a world imagined by his wife and pretends to be the man she loves. The Man in the Shed is a haunting collection of stories about family, love and lon[...]
Turreted fairytale peaks, glistening snowfields, waterfalls plunging over immense cliffs into the sea, a million tons of ice capsizing - this is the setting for "Fallen Pieces of the Moon", an account of a kayak trip along the west coast of Greenland, paddling about 150 miles of coastline in the Nuu[...]
The morning after a gruelling psychotherapy session in a Warsaw monastery, Henryk Telak is found dead, a roasting spit stuck in one eye. The case lands on the desk of State Prosecutor Teodor Szacki. World-weary, suffering from bureaucratic exhaustion and marital ennui, Szacki feels that life has pas[...]
Borgerkrig raser på en øy i Stillehavet. Skolen er stengt, lærerne flyktet. Mr. Watts åpner skolen og leser Dickens' Store forventninger, ett kapittel om dagen. Matilda og vennene lever seg inn i historien om foreldreløse Pip i London. En by snart mer virkelig enn deres krigsherjede landskap. F[...]
Boken inneholder bibelfortellinger for barn. Historiene er både fra det gamle og det nye testamentet.[...]
Nedgrävda skatter, gå på plankan och skriande papegojor Pirater har fängslat vår fantasi i hundratals år. Upptäck fakta och myter om dessa hänsynslösa figurer från grymma sjörövargäng till mordiska kaptener.[...]
Hans sköld lyste i det bländande solskenet.
Jag är Beowulf, förklarade han. Jag har kommit för att dräpa monstret.
Res hem igen, envisades vakten och höjde sitt spjut. Många män har dött när de har försökt besegra Grendel.
Beowulf bara log.
Berättelsebibeln om Guds fantastiska frälsningsplan
Berättelsebibeln skildrar Bibelns berättelser på ett nytt sätt. Följ den röda tråden om Guds frälsningsplan genom både Gamla och Nya Testamentet. Mitt i berättelsen föds ett barn. Barnet som allting skulle handla om. Från [...]
Hellyttävä pörrökantinen ja kovalehtinen kirja, joka kertoo pienille lukijoille Raamatun ihmisistä ja Jumalan huolenpidosta korvaan tarttuvien runojen muodossa. Siispä Nalle kainaloon, Raamattu sydämeen ja lupaus muistiin. Taivaan Isä rakastaa sinua!Saatavana sekä "sinisenä" (nallella sini[...]
From abolla (a thick woollen cloak) to zostra (a type of decorated hairband) this encyclopedia contains a vast amount of information about dress in the classical world. As well as practical information about garments jewellery and so on, it also covers social attitudes towards clothing, with entries[...]
Towards the end of the fifth century BC Ctesias of Cnidus wrote his 23 book History of Persia. Ctesias is a remarkable figure: he lived and worked in the Persian court and, as a doctor, tended to the world's most powerful kings and queens. His position gave him special insight into the workings of P[...]