Recognizing the importance of the charismatic movement and the need for a biblical evaluation of it, MacArthur analyzes the doctrinal differences between charismatics and non-charismatics in the light of Scripture.[...]
Dr. MacArthur insists that when naturalistic and atheistic presuppositions are being aggressively peddled as if they were established scientific fact, Bible-believing Christians "ought to expose such lies for what they are and oppose them vigorously."[...]
In this compelling work, the bestselling author of "The Gospel According to Jesus" claims that people have come to shift blame, deny guilt, love self, and excuse moral failure, resulting in diminished integrity and the loss of the ability to experience God's grace and forgiveness.[...]
These study guides, part of a set from noted Bible scholar John MacArthur, take readers on a journey through biblical texts to discover what lies beneath the surface, focusing on meaning and context, and then reflecting on the explored passage or concept. With probing questions that guide the reader[...]
These study guides, part of a set from noted Bible scholar John MacArthur, take readers on a journey through biblical texts to discover what lies beneath the surface, focusing on meaning and context, and then reflecting on the explored passage or concept. With probing questions that guide the reader[...]
These study guides, part of a set from noted Bible scholar, John MacArthur, take readers on a journey through biblical texts to discover what lies beneath the surface, focusing on meaning and context, and then reflecting on the explored passage or concept. With probing questions that guide the reade[...]
As a Christian, you are called to keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your faith. Here is a unique tool to help you do just that. In this second volume devotional by John MacArthur, your hungry heart will again be fed and focused on God's Word, insights on the life of Jesus, thought[...]
Este libro tiene un enfoque diferente acerca de este tema transcendental para los cristianos. El autor, conocido escritor, pastor y conferenciante, nos muestra la importancia de estudiar lo que nos revela la Biblia y estar preparados para la venida de Cristo. Un libro de 262 paginas que cambiara su [...]
Criar a los hijos segun el camino de Dios se lleva a cabo con solicitud, compasion y sentido comun, igual que Dios el Padre nos cria a nosotros como sus hijos. El reconocido autor MacArthur presenta estas eficaces caracteristicas de la crianza de los hijos de manera llana y logica. Profundiza en tem[...]
El asesinato de Jesus es una mirada al pecado del hombre y la bondad de Dios. John MacArthur presenta el sacrificio de Cristo de una manera que obliga al lector a contemplar el acontecimiento en todo su poder. La pasion de Cristo se examina cronologicamente a traves del lente del Nuevo Testamento. [...]
More than ever, Christians need to know what the Bible actually teaches about parenting, and put it into practice. Parents today seek answers from child experts, self-help books, or equally confused friends. But even the experts portray modern-day childbearing as a minefield strewn with psychologica[...]
Contrariamente a la creencia popular, no tenemos que ser perfectos para hacer la obra de Dios.
John MacArthur examina los doce hombres que Cristo eligio como sus discipulos y nos ayuda a descubrir como nosotros podemos transformar nuestras propias imperfecciones en herramientas utiles para impact[...]
In the midst of persecution and rejection, the Hebrew believers, who had come from a background of legalism and works, were tempted to hold onto symbols, rituals, and traditions that were grounded in the requirements of the old covenant. Then God came to earth in human flesh as the new covenant, an[...]
In an age of open-mindedness, many believers have forfeited biblical clarity, exchanging it for confusion and compromise. They accept too much with too little discernment. But God's Word makes it clear that not everything that glitters is gold. Doctrinal error is at every turn, and the temptation to[...]
This teachers guide for The Exemplary Husband is a chapter by chapter question and answer guide for anyone leading a class on The Exemplary Husband. The overall purspose of The Exemplary Husband book is to assist husbands toward purposeful and lasting Christlikeness for the glory of God. It was writ[...]
Jos Jumala yksin päättää, kuka tulee asettamaan uskonsa Jeesukseen, kuinka Hän voi, oikeudenmukaisuuden nimissä, vaatia jokaista itse ottamaan vastuun uskostaan evankeliumin sanomaan? Ja jos Jumala on se joka valitsee, miksi kristityn tulisi haluta - tai tarvita - jakaa evankeliumia muille?Val[...]