Diverse as they are in their histories and in the organization of their forest sectors, most Nordic countries have this in common: their economies and cultures are substantially based on the utilization of various forest resources. This book explores Nordic forest futures and presents research resul[...]
Large, high-energy snow avalanches can have high destructive consequences in developed areas. Each year, avalanche catastrophes occur in many mountain regions around the globe. This causes a large number of fatalities and severe damage to buildings and infrastructure. In some mountain areas, especia[...]
Die Formelsammlung enthält alle relevanten Formeln und Definitionen für den Mathematikunterricht am Gymnasium (G8). Instruktive Beispiele, kurze Erläuterungen an ausgewählten Stellen, Hinweise auf typische Anwendungsfälle oder Fehler ergänzen das Angebot. Der Aufbau der Formelsammlung folgt de[...]
ab Klasse 11
2007 mit dem Oscar pr?miert und gleich sieben Mal beim Deutschen Fernsehpreis 2006 ausgezeichnet, ist Das Leben der anderen von 2006 ?ber die Literatur- und Theaterszene in der DDR und die Repressionen des ?berwachungsstaates einer der beachtetsten deutschen Filme der letzten[...]
Du musst kein schlechtes Gewissen haben? Von
wegen. Wenn "Generation
Golf" das Tagebuch
einer vergangenen Kindheit und Jugend war, dann
ist "Anleitung zum Unschuldigsein" die Reise
in unser inneres Absurdistan,
in dem uns die Gewissensbisse täglich lus[...]
Purpose and Emphasis. Mechanics not only is the oldest branch of physics but was and still is the basis for all of theoretical physics. Quantum mechanics can hardly be understood, perhaps cannot even be formulated, without a good kno- edge of general mechanics. Field theories such as electrodynamics[...]
After an introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics, which lays the foundation for the rest of the text, the author moves on to the phenomenology and physics of fundamental interactions via a detailed discussion of the empirical principles of unified theories of strong, electromagnetic, and weak[...]
The book describes Maxwell's equations first in their integral, directly testable form, then moves on to their local formulation. The first two chapters cover all essential properties of Maxwell's equations, including their symmetries and their covariance in a modern notation. Chapter 3 is devoted t[...]
Scheck's Quantum Physics presents a comprehensive introductory treatment, ideally suited for a two-semester course. Part One covers the basic principles and prime applications of quantum mechanics, from the uncertainty relations to many-body systems. Part Two introduces to relativistic quantum field[...]