Wynn Free explores the remarkable parallels between the work of David Wilcockand the legendary Edgar Cayce while he builds a convincing case that the two menshared the same source of prophetic information and that Wilcock might indeed beCayce's reincarnation. Compiling some of Wilcock's most inspira[...]
Based on the readings of Edgar Cayce--the best-known and best-documented psychic in American history--this program teaches listeners a completely natural method of self-hypnosis designed to enlist the powers of the subconscious mind to help them achieve their personal best. Abridged on one CD.[...]
Channeling the ideals of one's Higher Self is the safest, most effective way to stimulate personal growth and tap into the ancient knowledge that we all possess. Edgar Cayce's practical, easy-to-follow methods help listeners answer the questions, meet the challenges, and solve the problems they face[...]
With unprecedented access to Edgar Cayce's private letters and trance readings, Sidney Kirkpatrick delivers the definitive biography of the renowned psychic, religious seeker, and father of alternative medicine. Born in rural Kentucky in 1877, Edgar Cayce became known as "the sleeping prophet," and [...]
A biographical introduction to the spiritual psychic and his most influential readings discusses how he regarded himself as a healer and Christian mystic, introducing his major contributions to today's popular spiritual practices that draw on both eastern and western traditions. Original. 15,000 fir[...]
Edgar Cayce is America's most famous and well-respected prophet and mystic. Dr. Thurston takes an in-depth look at the Cayce predictions for earth changes, political upheaval, and the blossoming of a renewed humanity for the 21st century and beyond.[...]
The majority of horoscopes in current use are terribly wrong. Why? Because spiritual birth times, which are essential to producing an accurate horoscope according to Edgar Cayce, occur up to four-and-a-half hours before physical birth. That difference leaves aspects between planets about the same, b[...]
Life is a completely lawful experience because of the universal laws of reincarnation and karma that draw individuals together. Rather than being some type of unavoidable destiny or a fate about which we can do very little, the Edgar Cayce material instead sees karma as essentially an unconscious re[...]
For years Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic of all time, provided a small group of individuals with lessons in soul growth and personal transformation. This volume presents a new look at those major principles. From the first lesson on cooperation through others on ideals, patience, oneness a[...]
Edgar Cayce var en särling som hoppade av från skolan och ändå behandlar nu läkare och terapeuter över hela världen framgångsrikt ledinflammationer, psoriasis, bukstörningar och andra obotliga krämpor genom att följa de råd som han beskrev i sina över 14 000 mediala readingar.
Allt är vibrationer. Allt är i rörelse. Med dessa ord inleder Kevin Todeschi sin bok om vibrationer. Vetenskapen har bevisat att all materia är i rörelse. Detta kan vi emellertid inte uppfatta med blotta ögat. Våra fem sinnen använder vibrationer för både vår varseblivning och vår först[...]
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) verkade i Amerika. Han brukar kallas "den sovande profeten" och är känd som en av 1900-talets mest mediala personer. Förutom hans filosofi beskriver Personen EDGAR CAYCE och hans filosofi även hans liv och verksamhet samt tar upp betydelsefulla datum i hans liv.[...]
En överraskande bok om en mer universell Kristus. Den förklarar begrepp som ormens kraft, himmelskartor, själens natur och dynamiken i själens återfödelse. Den integrerar Jesus uttalanden med koncept från andra religioner och filosofier.[...]