Diesel InstallationFOR YACHTS FOR MOTOR BOATS FOR CANAL BOATSThe Efficiency, Effectiveness, Safety and Life of an engine dependson how it is installed.This book by Don Seddon covers all the essential aspects of asuccessful installation for engines up to 100hp.The book is based on the writers experie[...]
This is a new translation of the ancient Chinese Taoist classic, the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu. It aims at clarity and simplicity. Its underlying philosophy is explored in the Introduction, and key terms are explained in the Glossary. The Index will show whereabouts in the Tao Te Ching key concepts an[...]
Readers who enter upon this practical course in the Stoic art of living will learn how Stoic principles are linked to real life, and how to enjoy the 'smooth flow of life' of the Stoic Sage who follows nature and holds to virtue, finding fearlessness, inner peace, and freedom from troubles. Readers [...]
What was it that made Steve Bloomer, the 'Destroying Angel' so special? A remarkable goalscoring record and a supreme ability count for much, but so do an enigmatic personality and incident-packed life. This title details his dramatic rise from tough Black Country beginnings in 1874 to goalscoring f[...]
This latest colletion of Case Studies demonstrate just how much can be achieved in a relatively short time using a Systems Thinking approach in a wide range of local authority departments.It's a handbook for anyone faced with the apparently impossible task of improving service levels and dramaticall[...]
La reforma de la Administracion Publica es un asunto pendiente en muchos paises. En algunos se han llevado a cabo programas de mejora en la eficiencia pero no se ha conseguido mejorar la calidad de los servicios ni reducir los costes, sino todo lo contrario: un aumento de los costes y la necesidad d[...]
John Seddon is back. This time with an uncompromising account of Whitehall's effect on our public services. And it's a damning read. 'The Whitehall Effect' chronicles how the Whitehall ideas machine has failed to deliver on a monumental scale - and what we can do about it. We have a breathtaking[...]
Den gamla principen att ge order, styra och kontrollera (command-and-control) fungerar inte längre. Det finns ett bättre sätt att utforma och leda arbetet - ett bättre sätt att få arbetet att fungera väl.
I boken tillämpar John Seddon Toyotas produktionssystem (skapat av Taiichu [...]
Myyttisen Kainuun kuningaskunnan romahdettua tanskalaishyökkäykseen 700-luvun alussa Suomeen nousi tilalle Tavastia - Muinais-Hämeen kuningaskunta. Kirja seuraa pääpiirteissään sen muodostumista ja rakennetta aina varhaisesta kuppikivikulttuurista aina rautakautiseen kartanojärjestelmään j[...]