Sandler - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Sandler
Visar Resultat (51-75)
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  1. Daring BMXers (Inbunden)


    Michael Sandler, David Fiedler

    ISBN: 9781597169523 - UTGIVEN: 2009-08

    Jämför priser
    från 197.00 kr
  2. Jerry Remy's Red Sox Heroes (Pocket)


    Jerry Remy, Corey (CON) Sandler, Jerry Remy

    ISBN: 9781599219707 - UTGIVEN: 2010-03

    Who better to rank the best Red Sox of all time than, yes, the president of Red Sox Nation himself? Here, Jerry Remy does just that-forty-four players in all, from early-era legends such as Cy Young, Babe Ruth, Johnny Pesky, and Jackie Jensen; to remarkable pros like Ted Williams, Tony Conigliaro, C[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 127.00 kr
  3. Wake Up or Die: Business Battles Are Won with Foresight, You Either Have It or You Don't (Inbunden)


    Corrine Sandler

    ISBN: 9781599323978 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    "Action is the real measure of Intelligence." Napoleon Hill
    Every day in business we experience uncertainty, risks and emotional exposure to winning and losing the battle for growth. There are many theoretical business practices out there, but none as brilliant and simple as "The Art of War" by [...]

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    från 174.00 kr
  4. Awakening (Inbunden)


    Karen Sandler

    ISBN: 9781600609824 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    Jämför priser
    från 156.00 kr
  5. Model Witness Examinations (Häftad)


    Paul Mark Sandler, James K. Archilbald

    ISBN: 9781604429107 - UTGIVEN: 201102

    In this handbook, 70 model examinations show you how to deal effectively with practical evidentiary issues that every trial lawyer faces. The authors experienced, highly skilled litigators give you trial-proven, sequences of questions that translate the Rules of Evidence into examinations that will [...]

    Jämför priser
    från 519.00 kr
  6. The Letters of John F. Kennedy (Inbunden)


    John F. Kennedy, Martin W. Sandler

    ISBN: 9781608192717 - UTGIVEN: 2013-10

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy led his nation for little more than a thousand days, yet his presidency is intensely remembered, not merely as a byproduct of his tragic fate. Kennedy steered the nation away from the brink of nuclear war, initiated the first nuclear test ban treaty, created the Peace Corps, [...]

    Jämför priser
    från 232.00 kr
  7. Hot Hot Rods (Inbunden)


    Michael Sandler

    ISBN: 9781617721397 - UTGIVEN: 2011-01

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    från 266.00 kr
  8. Nice Guys Finish First (Häftad)


    Doug Sandler

    ISBN: 9781628651614 - UTGIVEN: 2015-03

    Jämför priser
    från 208.00 kr
  9. A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts (Häftad)


    P.C. Sandler

    ISBN: 9781780490083 - UTGIVEN: 201107

    "In this magisterial work Paulo Sandler continues to distinguish himself as a foremost scholar on the works of Bion. Already well known for his encyclopedic zeal, this present book continues Sandler's tireless search of Bion's contributions by this noteworthy clinical application of Bion's ideas. A [...]

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    från 263.00 kr
  10. A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts (Häftad)


    P.C. Sandler

    ISBN: 9781780490687 - UTGIVEN: 201212

    The final book in the three-volume series, A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts - a practical companion to the dictionary of concepts The Language of Bion - is divided in four main parts. Part I, through the aid of a transdisciplinary study between psycho-analysis, mathematics, and physics, pro[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 357.00 kr
  11. Power Plyometrics (Pocket)


    McNeely, Sandler, McNeely

    ISBN: 9781841262000 - UTGIVEN: 2006-09

    Plyometrics is a training technique used by many top athletes to improve their speed and power. "Power Plyometrics" allows the reader to assess their individual needs and performance level, and then progress through three increasingly challenging training levels until they are ready to train for the[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 150.00 kr
  12. Osteopathy and Obstetrics (Häftad)


    Stephen Sandler

    ISBN: 9781848290563 - UTGIVEN: 201205

    Some practitioners hesitate to be involved with manipulation techniques and pregnancy. "Osteopathy and Obstetrics" demonstrates that there is no scientific evidence to support such fears. During a pregnancy the patient is going to change both anatomically and physiologically in every part of her bod[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 488.00 kr
  13. Play To Talk, Talk To Play (Pocket)


    Simone Griffin, Dianne Sandler

    ISBN: 9781849051620 - UTGIVEN: 2014-04-15

    Children's speech, language, communication and play skills develop at different rates, with some children needing more encouragement, stimulation and support than others. This title is a treasure-trove of fun games and activities that will motivate young children to want to communicate as they explo[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 163.00 kr
  14. A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts (Häftad)


    P.C. Sandler

    ISBN: 9781855755680 - UTGIVEN: 200907

    This work depicts clinical applications stemming from Dr Wilfred Ruprecht Bion's contributions to psychoanalysis. It may be used as a practical companion to "The Language of Bion: A Dictionary of Concepts" also by P.C. Sandler. Both constitute a natural arrangement of Bion's concepts; 'natural' bein[...]

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    från 394.00 kr
  15. The Language of Bion (Häftad)


    Paulo Cesar Sandler

    ISBN: 9781855758360 - UTGIVEN: 201004

    Considering that introductory books cannot replace an author's original words, and that Bion's concepts are often found to be difficult to grasp, Dr Paulo Sandler has compiled an unusual style of dictionary. He assembles relevant quotations from Bion's texts together with the meaning of concepts and[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 667.00 kr
  16. In Praise of Poetry (Pocket)


    Olga Sedakova, Stephanie (TRN) Sandler, Ksenia (TRN) Golubovich

    ISBN: 9781940953021 - UTGIVEN: 2014-11

    At an early age, Olga Sedakova began writing poetry and, by the 1970s, had joined up with other members of Russia's underground "second culture" to create a vibrant literary movement--one that was at odds with the political powers that be. This conflict prevented Sedakova's books from being publishe[...]

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    från 110.00 kr
  17. Summary: The Sandler Rules - David Mattson

    ISBN: 9782511020289 - UTGIVEN: 2014-10

    Complete summary of David Mattson's book: "e;The Sandler Rules: 49 Timeless Selling Principles and How to Apply Them"e;.This summary of the ideas from "e;The Sandler Rules"e; explains the rules of efficient selling originally introduced by David H. Sandler and exposes how you can use[...]

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    från 50.00 kr
  18. Jämför priser
    från 176.00 kr
  19. Sveriges statsministrar under 100 år / Rickard Sandler

    ISBN: 9789176518076 - UTGIVEN: 2018-06

    Rickard Sandler, Sveriges statsminister 1925?1926, var en svindlande och mångsidig begåvning: politiker, agitator, folkbildare, matematiker, kompositör, utredare och chifferexpert.Han översatte Karl Marx Das Kapital till svenska. Under större delen av 1930-talet var han utrikesminister. Ändå [...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  20. Utmaningen - Flytten eller flykten från Sverige (Storpocket)


    Ambjörn Sandler

    ISBN: 9789187309199 - UTGIVEN: 2013-10-09

    Utmaningen - Ambjörn Sandler När jag inspirerades att skriva min tredje bok funderade jag på vad den skulle handla om. Det blev ut- och invandring. Detta är något som väldigt många har koppling till, inte minst utvandringen tidigare till Amerika. Även i dag lämnar många sitt land av olika[...]

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    från 98.00 kr
  21. Amerika - Nya landet, utmaningar och framsteg 1941 - 1946 (Häftad)


    Ambjörn Sandler

    ISBN: 9789187309342 - UTGIVEN: 2014-11-25

    Den andra delen i den planerade trilogin; Utmaningen. Läs omdömen om denna bok här nedan. Ambjörn Sandler fortsätter - i Vilhelm Mobergs anda - att berätta om de utvandrare som bosätter sig i New Bear Hill i de amerikanska svenskbygderna. Utmaningen, del två, är som sin föregångare en [...]

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    från 98.00 kr
  22. Fånga din dag (Häftad)


    Ambjörn Sandler

    ISBN: 9789188672452 - UTGIVEN: 200806

    En militär rustar ju för det värsta som kan hända. Men ibland kommer slaget från det håll man minst anat - en sladdande bil.

    Yrkesofficeren Ambjörn Sandler låg för döden, förlorade benen men vann nånting annat - ett nytt liv, andra insikter. Det är detta nya liv han skildrar[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 102.00 kr