Presents an introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers. This book discusses simple microprocessor architecture concepts, and covers assembly language programming in a C language context, and fundamental hardware interfacing topics such as parallel IO, asynchronous serial IO, synchronous se[...]
Robert the Bruce had himself crowned King of Scots at Scone on a frozen March morning in 1306. After years of struggle, Scotland had been reduced to a vassal state by Edward I of England and its people lived in poverty. On the day he seized the crown Bruce renewed the fight for Scotland's freedom, a[...]
Features a real-life adventure with historical facts about Scotland's warrior king, King Robert the Bruce. This title helps you learn about Bruce's dark secrets as well as his heroic deeds; discover how well Bruce really got on with William Wallace; and understand why Bruce's Declaration of Independ[...]
Shamanic journeys are doorways to parallel realities. Within these worlds, the journeyer will find helping spirits capable of guiding us towards the goals or dreams we have for ourselves, personally and collectively. These worlds will offer you information about existing dilemmas and show you new po[...]
Robert the Bruce had himself crowned King of Scots at Scone on a frozen March morning in 1306. After years of struggle, Scotland had been reduced to a vassal state by Edward I of England and its people lived in poverty. On the day he seized the crown Bruce renewed the fight for Scotland's freedom, a[...]
This volume provides an overview of mental health research conducted by sociologists. It discusses dominant themes such as stress, the community and mental life, family structure, social relations and recovery. The unique contribution of sociology to the study of mental health has a long history str[...]
»Ärligt ledarskap» beskriver en ny och effektiv metod som radikalt kan förbättra prestationerna och produktiviteten inom nästan alla företag och organisationer. Och detta i princip utan kostnad. Metoden har utvecklats av organisationskonsulten och den framgångrike författaren Robert Fritz, [...]