The combined soccer side of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Pegasus gained a tremendous following in its brief life. The team won the F.A. Amateur Cup in 1951 and 1953 before capacity crowds of 100,000 at Wembley. This autobiographical account, by one of the key players, brings vivid detail to th[...]
Suitable for ages birth to 4 years, this series helps your child to memorise what they have learnt in their basic learning. It has one big picture on each page, so that when the child does colouring, the colours don't spread out of the picture. It helps the children to learn colouring and also gives[...]
Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years, this work is illustrated so that the child easily understands the story.[...]
Ages 4 to 8 years. This is a collection of fables written by a slave and storyteller, Aesop, who lived in Ancient Greece. This series contains five books full of stories retold in lucid language accompanied by colourful pictures. The beauty of each story lies in the way in which the moral message i[...]
What are the things that exist in space? What is the Sun, Moon and the Earth made up of? What is a Star? All such questions that kids ask have been answered here.[...]
A complete source of information on various types of transport like cars, trucks, sea transport, air transport and land transport has been given in this category. It is enjoyable as well as educative.[...]
The series on Sport is one of the most unique among all the categories. It gives ample knowledge on Football, Golf, Basketball, Tennis and Cricket. Each book tells about the origin of the game, its rules and the people who have excelled in each of them.[...]
Myte og virkelighet kolliderer når det krigsherjende Olympen møter det stormfulle New York City i et eventyr som tar pusten fra deg. I et fryktelig tordenvær krasjlander den majestiske flygende hingsten Pegasus på taket til 13 år gamle Emily. Sammen med gudene fra Olympen og en ny klassekamerat[...]
Forlaget skriver: Pegasus 3. Arbejdsbog A og B er elevens arbejdsbøger til Pegasus 3. Læsebog. Arbejdsbøgerne fungerer som materialets logbog, hvor alle trådene samles.
Eleverne føres ind i de enkelte kapitlers historiske og temamæssige univers, der er arbejdsspørgsmål og opgaver til a[...]
Forlaget skriver: Pegasus 3 Lærervejledning, giver læreren fagligt og pædagogisk overblik over tekster og opgaver.
Pegasus 3 Lærervejledningen, indeholder yderligere inspiration til arbejdet med bogens tekster og temaer.[...]
Forlaget skriver: Pegasus 3. På tværs er et supplerende, tværfagligt materiale til Pegasus-systemet.
Pegasus 3. På tværs indeholder fire tværfaglige forløb, der alle tager udgangspunkt i udvalgte kapitler fra læse- og arbejdsbøgerne[...]
Forlaget skriver: Pegasus 3. Arbejdsbog A og B er elevens arbejdsbøger til Pegasus 3. Læsebog. Arbejdsbøgerne fungerer som materialets logbog, hvor alle trådene samles. Eleverne føres ind i de enkelte kapitlers historiske og temamæssige univers, der er arbejdss[...]