Passport to English on joustava, jokapäiväisen kielenkäytön tärkeitä tilanteita aktivoiva englannin materiaali kansalais- ja työväenopistoihin.Materiaali on suunniteltu niin todellisille vasta-alkajille kuin "false-beginners" -opiskelijoillekin.Sarjan perustavoite on kehittää opiskelijan k[...]
"Foreword For some people, the combination of lean enterprise and environmental health and safety (EHS) is like mixing oil and water. The reality is that both have many commonalities. In many cases, people focus on lean as only for the manufacturing floor and their processes, but that couldn't be fu[...]
Although Thomas Aquinas's influence over philosophy endures to this day, the medieval genius did not consider himself a philosopher, but a Scripture scholar. The Aquinas Institute's hardcover Latin-English editions of Aquinas's commentaries on the Letters of St. Paul make many of these commentaries [...]