Learn German - Instantly. No books. No writing. No memorizing. Join the millions of people worldwide who have learned a new language with the Michel Thomas Method. "The nearest thing to painless learning" - The Times - Guaranteed success. Speak and understand German perfectly - Incredible progress.[...]
You learned your own language naturally and enjoyably: now you can learn Portuguese in the same way. Use the method perfected over 50 years by the celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas. This method works with your brain, helping you to build up your Portuguese in manageable, enjoyable s[...]
Learn Dutch - Instantly. No books. No writing. No memorizing. Join the millions of people worldwide who have learned a new language with the Michel Thomas Method. "The nearest thing to painless learning" - The Times - Guaranteed success. Speak and understand Dutch perfectly - Incredible progress. L[...]
Taste the Michel Thomas Method and start speaking real Hindi straight away - no books, no pens, no memorizing - just listen, connect and speak. How does it work? - LISTEN - collect words effortlessly by listening - CONNECT - create your own mental tool kit by understanding how the words fit together[...]
Learn Japanese - Instantly. No books. No writing. No memorizing. Join the millions of people worldwide who have learned a new language with the Michel Thomas Method. "The nearest thing to painless learning" - The Times - Guaranteed success. Speak and understand Japanese perfectly - Incredible progr[...]
Looking for a course to rapidly improve your Spanish and fit in with your busy lifestyle? Already completed Michel Thomas Total Spanish? Take your Spanish to the next level with this acclaimed Perfect Spanish intermediate course, the perfect follow-on to the Michel Thomas Method Total Course. How d[...]
Taste the Michel Thomas Method and start speaking real Swedish straight away - no books, no pens, no memorizing - just listen, connect and speak. How does it work? - LISTEN - collect words effortlessly by listening - CONNECT - create your own mental tool kit by understanding how the words fit togeth[...]
Learn over 50 essential words and how to put them together to make yourself understood. This 2-hour basic introduction to Korean with the Michel Thomas Method will get you speaking the language immediately: no books, no pens, no memorizing - just listen, connect and speak. How does it work? During [...]
Looking for a course to rapidly improve your German and fit in with your busy lifestyle? Already completed Michel Thomas Total German? Take your German to the next level with this acclaimed Perfect German intermediate course, the perfect follow-on to the Michel Thomas Method Total Course. How does [...]
Take your Japanese to the next level with this great continuation to the Total course in the Michel Thomas series
No books. No writing. No memorizing. Join the millions of people worldwide who have learned a new language with the Michel Thomas method. - Guaranteed success. Speak and understand J[...]
Already completed Michel Thomas Total Portuguese? Take your Portuguese to the next level with this acclaimed follow-on to the Michel Thomas Method Total Course. No books. No writing. No memorizing. - Guaranteed success. Speak and understand perfectly - Incredible progress. Get what you want, fast -[...]
Learn over 50 essential words at the heart of Norwegian and how to put them together to make yourself understood. This 2-hour basic introduction to Norwegian with the Michel Thomas Method will get you speaking the language immediately: no books, no pens, no memorizing - just listen, connect and spea[...]
Experience significant results in a remarkably short period of time thanks to the unique Michel Thomas Method, perfected over 50 years by celebrated linguist Michel Thomas. The method works in tune with how the brain prefers to receive, store and then retrieve information. You'll stick with it, beca[...]
The story of Michel Thomas reads like a thriller in which adventure and heartbreak combine to produce a unique form of wisdom. Until his death in 2005, he taught languages to ghetto kids, heads of industry and movie stars in a matter of days, succeeding even with people who considered themselves hop[...]
Thomas av Aquino är ett av de största helgonen. Han finns i helgonkalendern och firas i hela den katolska världen. Man har rätt att personligen lära känna honom utan att vara så värst förtrogen med hans väldigt omfattande verk. Hans biografi har under de senaste decennierna varit föremål[...]
Inom pedagogiken finns det idag ett växande intresse för sociologiska teoribildningar. De klassiska pedagogiska teorierna trängs tillbaka samtidigt som man i allt högre grad arbetar med pedagogikens sociala kontext. Pedagogik i ett sociologiskt perspektiv är ett bidrag till denna utveckling.
Under Michel de Montaignes 1500-tal betydde "essä" ungefär övning eller smakprov. Ordet fanns också som verb, essayer: pröva, testa. När Montaigne började skriva använde han ordet främst som ett aktivt verb som beskriver hans sökande och prövande texter. Efter några år av essäistisk ve[...]
Nr 34-35 av Arche - tidskrift för psykoanalys, humaniora och arkitektur (f d Psykoanalytisk Tid/Skrift) innehåller bland annat texter kring Michel Foucaults doktorsavhandling och första stora verk, Vansinne och oförnuft - Vansinnets historia under den klassiska epoken, som gavs ut 1961 efter att[...]
Detta nummer av Arche, 2012:38-39, utgör delvis en fortsättning på det tema kring Michel Foucaults doktorsavhandling Vansinnets historia under den klassiska epoken (1961) som inleddes i nummer 2011:34-35. Tonvikten ligger denna gång mer på Foucaults betydelse för diskussionen om psykiatrin än[...]